View Full Version : Very Severe Dizziness... :( Never Been Like This Before...

02-09-10, 14:52

I've been suffering from very bad dizziness since late lastnight. I was very anxious yesterday through a doctor's visit but I wasn't suffering from the dizziness at the time...

Then late on lastnight at about 11pm, I started to feel 'weird' my skin felt prickly & itchy even though there was no rash or anything. Then that started to worry me so I felt like I couldn't breathe properly & tight chested.
It was when I lay down in bed that the terrible dizziness started & it's not gone since & I was awake for most of the night, also my palpitations started off again during the night also.
When I did sleep, I had horrible dreams/nightmares :(

Now today I feel pretty rough & the dizziness is still there. I went for a walk to clear my head & I could walk ok, I felt tired & hot but it's very warm outside. It's when I sit or lay down it feels worse.

I tried to get into the doctor's today but they were full up :( I don't wanna have to go to the hospital :(

Also, I've had a headache for the past 2 days, not too severe, but niggling enough. It seems to be over my right eye/side of head at the minute.

& I was excercising yesterday with these dumbells with my sister, not too heavy. I think they're 1.5KG & I felt okay whilst excercising & I have done weights excercise before. Do you think that could have done something???

Any advice would be really appreciated.

Kerry B
02-09-10, 15:15
Hi I had the dizziness constant for 24/7 for 6 weeks and it never left me and its very scarey. I ended up seeing 4 doctors as I could not believe it was caused by anxiety, but once I started taking Seroxate the dizzy seemed to ease, but does come back I had it last Sunday and Monday, my advice is try not to think about it just carry on doing your normal things and don't concentrate on it just live with it for the time being. I also found listening to my relaxation CD really helped before I went to sleep.

02-09-10, 15:24
Thanks hun, I'm trying not to think about it but it's difficult when I feel like I'm on a rocky ship lol.
Plus, I googled which worried me sick :(
If I'm still the same tomorrow, I'm gonna go the doctors :( x

02-09-10, 16:22
hi there hun

just wanted to say that i read just recently that migaines can cause the tinging thing and one sided headache. I had this for two days and then suddenly got an early period out of the blue. Sorry dont know if you are male or female but maybe a hormone migraine thing?



02-09-10, 17:49
I am female & get migraines but never been this dizzy before :(

I so worried now. I've done the dreaded googling :( I'm worried I've caused a popped vein/blood vesell or bleed in my head/brain through lifting the weights :(

I feel really sick now too... :( Keep thinking that's it

02-09-10, 19:04
google is awful for making you think the worse

do you suffer from hayfever i get the things you discribe with hayfever

also is it nr your period as period affects things x

02-09-10, 20:34
i'm a personal trainer and there is noWAY 1.5kg dumbells did anything...!
and unless you are doing a shoulder exercise i would up the weights...!
make sure you are eating right.. enough iron and b12s.
i once thought i was dying of something when it turned out i was anaemic- badly anaemic .
good luck xx

03-09-10, 13:17
Thanks guys & especially Chai for putting my mind at rest about the weights. I have worked upto them aswell from 0.5kg lol. Just trying to tone my arms up abit. All part of my plan to feel & look healthier but something always comes to strike me down...it seems the more I try, the worse it gets. :S
The dizziness isn't as bad today but I have abit of earache & head pain, I couldn't get into the doctors' again & I hate our walk in centre :(
Just have to see how I go over the weekend... x

03-09-10, 13:21
hunni you will only get toned arms if you up your weights..!ask a trainer to design a program for you. the gym definitely helps me when i have freak out episodes. being strong and in shape definitely makes you feel mentally stronger too!
good luck