View Full Version : Please help brain tumor

02-09-10, 19:46
please can someone help me I'm at my wits end and stuggling to cope. About two months ago I had a funny turn at work I was stressed at the time but it didn't feel like the usual panic attack. My heart started pounding and my vision went, I've never been so scared in all my life I honestly thought I was going to die. I went to a and e they gave ne an ECG and said that they thought I had a blood clot on the lung, to cut a long story short they did a blood test and it wasn't so I went away and felt ok. I suffered from depersonailization which was hell and started councelling, after all this I developed a floater in my left eye, I had this checked out at the optitions they dilated my pupil and couldn't see anything, recently I have been experiancing left sided head aches for the past two weeks and an ache behind my eye, I went to the doctors they checked me over and said that there were no red flags & told me to cone back if I still had the pain in two weeks bearing in mind I've already had this for two weeks, I just keep thinking that it's a brain tumor and I'm so scared it's all I think about and can't live my life, I just keep feeling so tired and I really need some help, I think I was shaking in my sleep last night as if I was cold it was really strange, please help me

02-09-10, 19:52
Sounds like it good be a tension related headache .. I have suffered the best part of two months with similar symptoms to be only told that .. stress and anxiety are causing the tension in your shoulder and neck muscles and this travels up to the back and sides of the head..

I have had the floater things but everyone does.. its just whether you want to notice them or not ( if that makes any sense)

Dont worry mate, the doc wouldnt have sent you away if he suspected something serious.. you just need to try and relax as much as possible .. light exercise and lots of water will be a start..

02-09-10, 19:55
Thank u for your reply the thing that worries me is I feel relaxed apart from this head ache and eye ache, I've just been for an Indian head massage which was lovely and I feel lovely and relaxed it's just this head ache that's stressing me out, my panic attacks have stopped touch wood... This is so hard... When I've tried to stop thinking about it, it just comes back to remind me x

02-09-10, 20:00
Yeh from what you say i really believe you have a tension headache...

its so hard when the doc says just try and relax.. but im sure alot of people on here would agree... that going for longs walks... remembering to take deep breaths and drink lots of water will all add to making it go away..

Ive seen previous posts on here where people can have these headaches for years because they cant stop thinking its a serious issue when its really isnt..and they write posts where they say theyve wasted so much potential good times by worrying over nothing..

its uncomfortable and worrying but you need to understand that the doctor knows what symptoms to look for in relation to something serious..if he suspected anything wrong he/she would of said..

take it easy and keep your chin up..

02-09-10, 20:02
You may want to check that you're drinking enough water. I read in a newspaper only the other day that dehydration is the number 1 cause of headaches and eye pain

02-09-10, 20:11
Hi there
thank u for your help, this is so hard mental illness really is the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with, and I've been though alot of crap, I wish that I could just go back to how I was it's heart breaking, I feel as though I'll never be the same again I have so much and I feel terrible feeling like this when there are people out there worse off than me who actually are ill, I try to relax and it's still there to remind me, I've never had eye pain before that's what makes it difficult to believe that's it's anxierty x

02-09-10, 20:13
I keep thinking to myself why did sthe doctor tell me to go back in two weeks if it's still there? She gave me iburophen to take but I'm too scared to take it incase I have a funny turn as I did when I took other muscle relaxants :(

02-09-10, 20:14
the optician would have seen something.. we are always fearful of the unknown and pains we havent experienced before .. and we just have to accept them for anxiety .. if it still persists or worsens .. go back to ur G.P and im sure they will give you some short term meds to help you relax and relieve the pains..

it will go .. but you must firstly accept it as anxiety

02-09-10, 20:27
Thank you for your help I will have to try my hardest to try and believe that it's anxierty,I think that it's been strange having the anxierty without the panic attacks, not that I want them back! They were just there to remind me that it was anxierty and now they have stopped I keep thinking something else is the cause :( thank u for taking the time to reply

02-09-10, 20:34
i guess panic attacks can be in different forms..

ive never had a panic attack ...

I just have spells of panic ... i.e. bad thoughts about the pains im having ..


02-09-10, 20:41
I think that's where i'm at at the moment, I hope that you never have a panic attack and hope that you can control the negative thoughts, thats the hardest thing to overcome I think as it's hard to break that habit, once that's accomplished the I think that it will get rid of the panic &depression, easier said than done I know!