View Full Version : Visual Migraines

02-09-10, 21:12
So... Just had a visual migraine, lasted 20 mins got quite severe, a lot of my vision severely interrupted, 1 pang of pain but no lasting headache thankfully. I've had these before so am used to them but this time it came as a shock as I cant think of any particular trigger tonight! anyone else have these? maybe good to share experiences!

02-09-10, 21:40
I had them at the end of my pregnancy and also while I was in labour. So obviously hormone related for me. Quite unpleasant really and when I was in labour I had about three in a row. They lasted about 20 minutes as you say and they were always just in one eye. Like a wiggly worm I called them. Like a coloured zig zag pattern. No pain with them but they made me feel a bit groggy afterwards.

03-09-10, 09:57
I almost always get headache when I have a migraine, and it will vary in intensity according to the type of visual disturbances I get. Most of the time, I get the zig zag lines, which either start in the centre of my vision and radiate out on one side, or they will start on one side and work their way across to the other before disappearing. I then get about 20-30 minutes before the headache starts, and it will always be on the opposite side to where the aura appeared.

I know it's a bad attack if it starts by not being able to see all of an object; it's quite hard to explain, but I could look at something and only see half of it for a few seconds (a bit like the Cheshire Cat appearing and disappearing in the Alice books). the other bad symptom is if I get a blind spot in my vision; this one is particularly scary as I know I will be horrendously sick.

I also can get numb patches on my face, tingling fingers and sometimes I can't get my words out properly.

I'll nearly always get the shakes when I have an attack as well, and get horrendously cold when I'm coming out of it, to the extent that I'll have to wrap myself up in a blanket. I know I'm starting to get better when I want carbohydrates, as the attack seems to do things to my blood sugar levels.

I bloody hate having migraines; I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy. :mad:

03-09-10, 10:07
I've had two in the last couple of months (Thanks to RLR for telling me what it was). First time I felt ill, just sort of strange, beforehand. Sat down at my PC at work and got fractured vision in the outside periphery of one eye. Second time, didn't feel ill, just got an enlarging blind spot at the centre of my vision, again while on the computer at work. Both times it passed pretty quickly and I had no headache, so I count myself very lucky. Also glad I don't do the hour's drive to work anymore, just in case one came on then.

03-09-10, 14:45
Blueangle my migraiines are very simialr to yours and I thank you for posting here...thought I was the only one getting such horrible symptoms! I think mine are made worse by the fact that everytime I get the warning zigzags, blindspots etc I panic, yesterday I got one, held myself together and tried not to panic and I recovered quicker than usual.
You said you sometimes only half see something, well I went on a migraine web page which discribed what I see perfectly 'like looking at something in a broken mirror'.
I did think my migraines were getting pretty hormone related but up till yesterday hadnt had one since the begining of July, which was good for me as I normally get at least one every month and yesterday after a very stressful few days out one pops.
Just great to know Im not alone, take care all and hope we are having a headache free day xx

03-09-10, 16:35
I am lucky I suppose that I know in a round about way what caused mine as, touch wood, I've had none since i had my daughter. Mine never gave me any pain at all but they present so differently in one person to the next. Have you had your eyes tested recently? Do you suffer a lot?

03-09-10, 20:05
I started with a blindspot in my central vision, realising I was missing part of eastenders! then went on to what I can only describe a lightning like zigzags flickering all over my vision.

04-09-10, 23:05

I suffered twice earlier this year with occular migranes as described ZIg Zag lines in my right eye and dull headache afer they disappeared felt worried and anxious the rest of that day. Both times this happened, low sun streaming into my window whilst I was on the computer only after a visit to the optician that I realised the glare may have been the trigger. Why do I worry so much?:mad: sure that adds to the complexity of my symptoms. Keep smiling :)

kind regards Will