View Full Version : Ladies personal problem! worrying :(

02-09-10, 21:31
I have had no abdominal pain, just the odd little cramp but nothing noticeable, but ive been on my period for 3 months with only a weeks break in between! Now passing clots and im getting worried! Maybe al my really bad dizziness is related to this??? Could this be serious????? PLZ HELP :(

02-09-10, 21:38
i would get it checked out cos u will feel a lttle dizzy if ur still having period for so long i wouldnt worry about clots a lot of woman get them on their cycle but i would go get checked are u on pill at all or other meds

02-09-10, 22:55
Hi Hun, see your doctor. If you have lost blood for 3 months Im not supprised you are getting dizzy.

Try not to panic, these things happen to us women...who'd be a women eh!

Let us know how u get on