View Full Version : slow pulse

02-09-10, 21:48
I'm slowly driving myself mad. After telling the doctor last night that I was worried about sudden death, she said it would come up on an ECG and not to worry - and to stop checking my pulse! So, I did - but tonight when I was sitting I felt a bit light headed, I've felt like that a few times lately and checked my pulse and it's quite low, maybe 50 beats maybe less, and it seems to be skipping beats too - I've no idea how to check it properly and I want to ask my mum to take it but I dont know how she'll react, she gets quite frustrated when I worry - I don't know what to do. I'm sorry, I've already asked this in chat but I can't calm down.

02-09-10, 21:53
right well I've checked it again, it seems a bit faster, I'm dead scared though that if I go to sleep it'll get slower and slower, dont know what to do!

02-09-10, 22:08
Hun, sudden death or rather the risk of it would definitely show up on an ECG as it can be caused by something called long QT syndrome which is an irregularly long heart rhythm and any doc would note that with an ECG readout, and it comprises of other symptoms like passing out, so wash that from your mind, though I appreciate it is hard.

As for the slow heart rate, well that is very healthy indeed, and endurance athletes can have heart rates of 50-60bpm. The skipping beats is probably brought on by your anxiety. With my anxiety and panic attacks I regularly get palpitations, and my HR has gone down to the 50bpm mark. Last year I fainted at work and my GP heard an irregular heartbeat and I had very low blood pressure, but after an all clear ECG I was told it was probably stress and anxiety related, as I had been under a lot of personal pressure at work and in my relationship so it could all be rationalised, and the body does tend to just react in that way! Again, your lightheadness can also be brought on because you are worrying too.

If you would really like to know how to check your pulse I could tell you (I'm a reg. nurse) but to be honest hun, I don't feel I will be doing you any favours as I think it will exacerbate your checking it all the time and getting so worried. My feeling is that if you can at all distract yourself from dwelling on your symptoms somehow things will settle down for you.

I know it is easier said than done as I have certainly been there, done that myself, but do try to take your mind away from it if you can.

lots of love and luck xx:hugs:

02-09-10, 22:32
hun try stop worrying i check my pusle all the time were you sat down relaxing its normal for your pulse rate to change and anyproblems would have shown on a ecg my mum has a heart problem her consulatant said he only has to look at a ecg with out seeing the paitnet to know whats wrong or if there fine

try doing some deep relaxation when i feel like checking my pulse is mostly when im out and about as i worry its beating fast so i have a hairband on my wrist and i flick it to take my attenetion of checking my pulse x

02-09-10, 22:50
A nurse friend told me a long time ago that a lot of sudden death cases could be avoided if people were given an ECG at an early age. This is becuase it would show up on an ECG - just like your Dr has said.

When we're relaxed and resting our pulses can drop. Slow pulse is a very common anxiety symptom.