View Full Version : cant break the cycle.

02-09-10, 21:50
basically it feels like ive been lifting weights every single day i wake up aching in the chest back ribs arms and shoulders,but i cant get it in my head it comes from anxiety/tension.i always see it as heart related even though this has been going on for 6 months(tests all clear)i really dont feel that anxious recently but why do i hurt so much,i feel so imaired physically its really getting to me.

02-09-10, 21:57
its the anx hun its made all ur mucsles tense they take time to recover and when ur tense all the time it takes longer mine are slowely startin to stop hurtin but other parts still ache dont forget when were anx were tensing most of our muscles if not all even when ur not anxious u can still be tense

02-09-10, 22:04
thanks for your respone,i walk for an hour each day try streching the only downside is i dont have a bath to soak in,try relaxation cd's but nothing relieves it,the fact that it is in the chest area makes it more worrysome,is there anything i can do to relieve it.? Andrew.

02-09-10, 22:09
well ive tried relaxin myself and to be honest it is hard it all takes time with the mucsles its just ur body healing itself i always get it in the chest i get inflamtion under my ribs that causes the pain to and that pushes on the muscles dr told me its from overbreathing the less stressed u get the lesser the muscles will hurt its all about relaxing but it is from anx so dont panic it will get better the less u stress the better u will get

02-09-10, 22:14
do you think its become a habit without me realising to tense my body?

02-09-10, 22:50
since havin anixety i hold my self so tense like you i ache all the time and always worry its my heart i have warm showers and do relaxtion to but not much helps i just feel like its one big circle hope your ok x

02-09-10, 23:15
it could be poppy i clench my teeth a lot and dont realise till my jaw hurts it can become habbit if ur not relaxing im always tense in my shoulders and dont realise either