View Full Version : wish me luck pls lovely people

03-09-10, 01:48
Im going to bed now to try and actually sleep instead of being afraid of nighttime and reading til 6 in the morning,if i achieve this it will be the first time in over a year iv slept before its light again.....fingers crossed


03-09-10, 01:53
go davey, you can do it!
DONT GIVE UP:yesyes:

03-09-10, 02:48
I second that!! You can totally do it....stay positive, you will be ok.xxx:hugs:

blue moon
03-09-10, 05:55
Sweet Dreams davey,you can do it:D
Love Petra x

03-09-10, 08:52
Best of luck! I've been having trouble too these last few months...let us know how it goes in the morning. :)

03-09-10, 13:54
thanks for the support guys,but i failed miserably.....i was up til light o clock again,i wont give up trying though :D

03-09-10, 14:01
If at first you don't succeed try try and try again. :D

Carol x