View Full Version : Anyone get itchy burning skin with menopause?

03-09-10, 03:12
HI, does anyone here get itchy skin or burning sensation under their skin with menopause or low estrogen?

Anyone here get menopause symptoms at a young age? I'm getting it at 27.

How did you help youself?


03-09-10, 09:47
Hi there

First of all, have you been diagnosed with early menopause? If you have, then your GP should be able to help you with this as they need to make sure you don't suffer early bone loss. If it's not early menopause, it could just be disrupted hormones, which can happen at any time in a woman's fertile life. I would have a chat with your GP about this.

03-09-10, 09:57
I have chatted with many GPs and im tired of them.

i saw a hormone specialist with 12 yrs experience who said i have menopause symptoms and put me on HRT. i have this burning under the skin & itchy feeling before i started HRT and also during and after i stopped. he said it is definitely not because of HRT & he has no explaination for it. he put me on estrogen cream & progesterone pills.

I saw my family GP and she said those are menopause symptoms & told me to take the pill. she does not know why i get the burning itchy feeling. Another GP also has no idea.

Both docs do not know the reason so i am asking someone who has gone through menopause or going through it if you can kindly tell me if you have experienced similar symptoms. thank you.

Anyone here get menopause symptoms at a young age? I'm getting it at 27.

03-09-10, 09:59
Hi again

I'm going through the menopause at the moment, and am also taking HRT as I had really severe hot flushes (30-40 a day). I've certainly had a lot of itching skin, and I think this is a very common symptom as lots of people seem to report it. Sorry you seem to be going through it all so early though.

03-09-10, 10:08
yeah i am very dissapointed i have this.

i get hot flushes throughout the day but no where close to the amt you get.

the itching is part of low estrogen right? cause HRT is supposed to relieve the menopause symptoms?

i stopped taking it after one cycle and has bleeding on day 13. is it bad to start for one cycle & suddenly stop?

03-09-10, 10:42
HI, does anyone here get itchy skin or burning sensation under their skin with menopause or low estrogen?

Anyone here get menopause symptoms at a young age? I'm getting it at 27.

How did you help youself?


Hi mom1982

I am totally there with you. I have had all that stuff happening for quite a while now, ive just turned 34 but things went weird for me about six years ago after i took the depo injection for birth control. I had to come off it becuase i got so deppressed i couldnt even work and so anxious i couldnt be left alone cos i was too scared!?!?!

Now and more so since my daugter was born in 2008, i have so many weird weird symtoms connected to me hormones that it gives me major health anxiety.

I get the hand and feet thng on and off like you describe, i get periods every 24 days and they are really light. I have a probem sleeping deeply and seem to just spend all night dreaming and any birth control pill just amplifies this.

I get flushes and this really horrible flu like feeling at certain times of the month. I get bouts of low blood sugar too.

I have also started to get terrible headahces at certain times of the month as well and they feel like they effect my whole body.....i thinkits like a migraine. I always feel super dehydrated although i sometimes retain water as well......oh an really dry skin on feet and tonenails cutting much shorter than i think is normal....

and such bad anxiety its sometimes so hard to function.

Can you relate to any of this? I would love to speak to someone who has same problems!!


03-09-10, 14:18
Here are my symptoms Lisa and most of them are the same as you. Are you taking any estrogen or progesterone or any other medication? How are your thyroids? This all started after i had my 1st baby in 2008, then grandma whom i was extremely close to died unexpectedly 5 mths later and i had another baby in 2009.

My symptoms

Anxiety - Fear of health
Periods 30-40 days, irregular
Difficult to get to bed early - Always dreaming
Hot flushes at night
Warm body temp in the day
Burning sensation under skin
Itchy all over
Feelings of light headedness or low sugar
Very dry Skin
Also get flu-like symptoms
headaches & sore neck

18-12-10, 03:02
I have just started getting hot flashes and burning all over my skin. Since i am currently experiencing back pain thought it might be related to that. Drs. Dont seem to know, could it be the onset of menopause. I am 52 and had light periods irregularly for yrs but never this. Does it start suddenly? I also am getting severe anxiety and sleep problems.