View Full Version : Pains in chest, shoulder and side of neck

03-09-10, 04:17
Hi all. I have not posted in a while (that isn't a bad thing). However, for the past nine days I have been having pain in my shoulder, chest and side of my neck. I've gone to my doctor; I've gone to the ER, and tomorrow I am going to a cardiologist to have a stress echocardiogram test done. I'm pretty terrified & anxious about all of this. I feel like I am sitting around waiting for a heart attack or something along those lines. I am scared to go to bed for fear something will happen.
I'm afraid. I don't know what to think about all of this. I believe that this could be the result of pulling a muscle or something along those lines, but they want to rule out something very serious. I hate this feeling

03-09-10, 08:50
how old are u kellikblock? i recomend u have an ecg done just 2 put ur mind at ease or any other tests possible 2 rule out anything serious , dont be afraid of the tests i know we always fear the worse dont we lol im sure u will be fine and that it will be something minor like u said a pulled muscle ect
hope all gos well gud luck luv n happy thoughts
kt x

03-09-10, 12:30

Shoulder, neck and chest pain in conjunction is a very, very common symptom of muscle strain in the shoulders or back, and with our anxiety we feel everything a million times as severe as normal people because our bodies are so in tune with every feeling we get. I know it is horrible and I understand how scared you are, I've been through all the tests too! It's really good of them to refer you to see a cardiologist for an ECG. I know a lot of people with similar problems who just get sent away. At least you know that they are being very cautious and are aware of your anxiety and really want to help to be able to give you the best answer they can :) They will look after you. I know it's hard to sleep when you're afraid, I had a couple of months where I was so terrified I wouldn't sleep alone! They'll let you know straight away if it's anything really bad, but I'm very sure that it's muscle related. Good luck and warm hugs your way.

06-09-10, 14:35
Thank you both for your responses. I am waiting on test results that will come back on Wednesday. Now, I wait....:whistles:

09-09-10, 03:36
Not a bad or great visit...they'd like to follow up with a CT scan of my heart. This scared me. However, they said my echo stress test came up "negative".
I was concerned about the ejection fraction it was 50% (normal is 50%-70%)...so I am on the LOW end of normal? Yikes...also, I was told that I have a slight leaky valve...all I heard from this appointment was the worst two things...can I relax, YET?:shrug:

09-09-10, 14:32
I'm always the the low end of EVERYTHING! If your echo tests came up negative you can breathe and relax. A slightly leaky valve is actually quite common even in the healthiest people like athletes! A follow up CT is just to take pictures of what they couldn't tell with the echo :) All for precaution. Sounds like you're safe and well to me though! Congratulations!