View Full Version : Starting to feel worse again

03-09-10, 12:16
All my constant worrying is back..well it only went calmed a little for maybe a week but again I had a 4am panic feeling I was going mad, dying the usual...

I don't know how it's possible to actually feel so bad..every bone, nerve in my body feels tired, fatigued..feel like doing absolutely nothing..these symptoms linger and then the worry kicks in and I feel absolutely awful, terminal...I'm bad with health anxiety and ocd at the moment.

Every day is a struggle right now. I'm so stressed about life which is not helping. When it's at it's peak I can't cope and worry more and more. My sleep pattern at the moment is some nights 12am off to bed, some nights 2am. I have been getting 10 - 15 minutes walk per day as exercise...all week I sit doing nothing not seeing my friends alot right now as there busy. I got my hours at work cut so just doing very little hours at the weekend...

Over the last few months when it's been bad it's just bad, bit better, bad, worse..anxiety 24/7. I've invested alot of time researching, trying relaxation music, I'm on propranolol..trying rescue remedy but I feel well I feel crap so is it actually helping me? Maybe I'm helpless?

People say it gets better, but well I see no signs..the worry is at obsessional degree. With books is it best to read them 'when having a panic attack' or 'at less anxious times'? I feel maybe I'm not taking in what it says as I just keep worrying..

There's times when no self help works...I struggled very hard to actually sit and watch a DVD last night and it made me feel worse as it was a horror and it never cheered me up. I feel bad so my reaction is stay in..sometimes I go out..ok I manage but still feel rotten so I give up and want to keep staying in.

But my main question is can you feel this bad? i think it's Chronic fatigue + anxiety symptoms..also get depressed. Makes me feel my body is not working properly...it's no way to get by this... :weep:

03-09-10, 13:01
Hi Phil. The fact that you were feeling better means you are starting on the road to recovery. Unfortunately the road goes up and down. It feels hard when you go back down again, but itll never be as bad as the previous down. It also wont last as long.
Try not to dwell on it too much. Youll start to improve again soon :)

03-09-10, 13:04
Hi i know where your coming from i could have wrote exactly what you have wrote...
Are you on any meds?.Im on seroxat the doc wants me to up to 30mg ive upped to 25mg still scared feel like going mad i woke this morning my body felt calm but my head wasnt..
I feel at the moment im running or trying to from my own head.
Do you feel anything works to make you feel a bit calmer?x

jude uk
03-09-10, 13:06
There is no dount you are going through a rough time at the moment and lack of sleep does not help at all. In fact I would say sleep is very important to our mental and emotional well-being. Add lack of sleep to the way you already feel and no wonder you feel "crap".
I would start with getting a regular nights sleep and work a pattern into your sleep life.
1. No coffee/tea before bed-time at least 2hrs before
2. No meals 3hrs before bed
3. Try relaxing before bed or even in bed...I.E. Tense up different parts of your body and then relax them...repeat and begin to feel more relaxed

During the day its important to have a walk or at night if you are able.

Your friends may be busy at the moment but maybe you can arrange to meet up, contact them and set a date. In the meantime see whats out there in your town ...maybe something that interests you...a club etc

03-09-10, 13:13
u can feel that bad phil believe me i know ive been there and yes there are ups and downs i get them to one day u feel ok then bam u feel like u have gone bk 4 steps but just think its a blip the more u think about it the worse it gets im tryin to retrain my thoughts into good ones even though the bad ones creep in i try to push them out

03-09-10, 17:30
Hi Phil,

I feel for you I really do. Im going through a really rough patch at the moment and feel a lot like you have described. I also keep thinking about how bad I feel, its almost like an obsessive thought. Have you had any therapy or are you on any medication at the moment apart from the propranolol? The prop wont help with any of the thoughts but I guess you know that, but it will stop you having a full blown panic attack so thats good!

I agree that you do need to get your sleep, it makes a big difference. I also think having a healthy diet is really important, no caffeine! Its good that your getting out everyday for a walk, thats going to help too.

I think its important to read the self help books before you have a panic attack or when you feel like your starting to get anxious, not when your in panic mode because you wont take things in as all your thoughts are focussed on panic.

Are there are NMP meet ups in your area, it might be good idea?