View Full Version : One used and anxious mind for sale :)

03-09-10, 15:02
Since having the 3 most stressful years of my life...including moving house, planning my wedding and my sisters, walking 125 miles for charity (on my own), family divorce, looking after my 2 cousins as a result of their parents divorce, my sister in a car crash...the list goes on and I'm only 24!...I'm a control freak and I thrive off day to day stresses and prior to my wedding I could take on anything!!! Now with hours to spare and no one coming to me with problems etc etc I have decided that anxiety and panic are my two 'best' friends and a few weeks ago I was introduced to Dr Google and thanks to a combination of these events I have created this worrying, panicing mess! Not long ago I would have worked through cold symptoms and tummy bugs, but now it means I have something terrible! I am psychology mad and have trained in it which makes me even more frustrated that I have let myself get like this!!! I am improving as I wanted to fight it before it got too bad but today is a slight slip up!!! My husband is an IT geek and keeps reminding me that I am one of the many people who search terrible symptoms day in day out which helps to keep these wonderful scary website at the top of our search list!!! I'm never happy with just NHS website etc I don't want to find the big 'C' word but I wont stop until I do which feeds my anxiety and allows me to panic for the rest of the day in the comfort of 'knowing' what I have!!!

I don't have a huge group of people who I can chat to about this because I am the 'rock' for the rest of my family and 'I'm not meant to be the one in need of support'! My husband has been an absolute dream...at only 20 and with no history of knowing anyone close with anxiety etc he has really supported me and encouraged me to stop pushing myself yet take control at the same time! I could really do with some like-minded friends right now and not to just compare symptoms or frightening stopries but to communitcate instead of shutting myself away with only my mind for company!

Looking forward to meeting people going through similar feelings! x :bighug1:

03-09-10, 15:03
Hi Dupe09

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-09-10, 20:31
I must warn you that Dr Google has been struck off for gross misconduct and negligence lol

:welcome: to NMP - I hope you find it useful here

04-09-10, 20:44
Welcome :) x