View Full Version : So stressed!

Lou 1
03-09-10, 16:18
Hi People

Havent been on here for a while....

Feeling so ill at the minute, my brothers baby passed away last weekend 48hrs after been born - so obviously this has been a hard time for us.

I have been feeling so dizzy, but the diziness started before this happened.
I was sitting watching tv one day when all of a sudden the room started to spin, it lasted for a few mins amd i felt really woozy afterwards.

It seems to come and go, sometimes i get a spinning sensation and others i get a feeling that im in the sea bobbing up and down, or a get a rushing feeling as though im falling.

I can feel myself being sucked back into panic.... and even when i dont feel dizzy i want to scream because i cant help but worry when i will next feel dizzy.

I saw my gp who has refferred me to an ENT specialist which has worried me even more, as usually they would just say it was anxiety!
But i did say that the this time the trigger wasnt anxiety, since i had been feeling fine for nearly 12 weeks and the diziness just came out of the blue!!

Oh i really dont want to spend the next few weeks until my ENT app worrying but i just cant help it, i hate feeling dizzy, and i cant help worrying that something is wrong! :(

Thanks for reading - i just needed to get this off of my chest

03-09-10, 21:57
wow so sorry to hear your sad news.
DEFINITELY anxiety. your family is going through a terrible time...what bigger trigger can there be.
I wish you all well over this time, feel better xxxx