View Full Version : faint and so scared...

03-09-10, 16:53
I am sat here hoping someone's around to read my post coz there is nobody i can call right now and am feeling so scared :weep: Just took my little one to the childminder and was on my way to treat myself a nice facial and haircut finally having a day off and minutes from the house i suddenly started feeling like i lost my balance,an just vey lightheaded, i was not 100 but 200% sure iam about to pass out. I ran back and ran into a hairdressers and just sat there hoping i'll come myself down bu now the back of my head was pulsating,i was hot and hyperventilating with panic and just really overwhelmed with panic, although the fainting feeling was what started it and not the other way around for sure! I was asking if they have somewhere to lie own and how i am going to faint but they were all looking at me like i'm crazy and weren't willing to help. I somehow managed to get to my doctors in a taxi. He couldnt find anything wrong,even my blood pressure was alright,and he sent me home to put my feet up, saying he doesn know what started it but panic made it worse. I am on my period but that never made me feel this bad,maybe a little dizzy. I am now still feeling crap, dont know what is this pulsing head feeling, and feel like i am swaying,it's horrible. i was scared well still am, that something bad will happen to me (i am actually scared to say what exactly i am scared will happen ,but i am pretty sure u'd all know what i mean). I am suppose to go pick my baby up in an hour and i am too scared to get up...:weep::weep::weep: i was doing well, and look at me now, like i am right back at the beggining. Just keep asking myself wht is going on and wondering how i can feel so faint that i cannot believe i actually didnt end up on the floor, and my blood pressure is fine, what happened to me. And my only day off is ruined as well, dont get to do anything.

03-09-10, 17:02
Hi mila i have this all the time thats my 1st sympton im about to have a panic atack i always feel like im gonna faint then panic like mad i have had this for over 10 years and never fainted...and even when i calm down i have the dizziness/offbalance feeling for a while it freaks me out but it is only anxiety playing tricks wiv u you will be fine and try not to get worked up and constantley think about it as this makes the dizzy feeling stay longer so try relax and take u mind of it hope u feel better soon xxx

03-09-10, 17:12
Hi Millie.....sorry you are feeling so rough hun.Don't be scared. It'll be ok.

Subconsciously, there is something that has triggered this and it defo sounds like a big panic episode. Sometimes you can start the day feeling ok and then out of the blue these things occur. I too have had episodes like this - feeling lightheaded, all the blood drains from me, I feel hot,my heart pounds, head pulsates and I feel faint, or that I'm going to. I have had many episodes of this and have fainted only once so far. Sadly, it was at work, but luckily I was in the right place as I'm a nurse!!! That time I was under a lot of pressure at work and in my relationship, on my period and my blood pressure was very low,but I know it was triggered by anxiety as I was being interrogated by my boss at the time and feeling VERY anxious!

First things first. Lay down with your legs raised higher than heart level on cushions or a chair or anything that raises them up. Secondly, BREATHE in and out slowly. Close your eyes and try to relax your muscles, hands, shoulders, etc. This REALLY does help, honestly. Distraction also helps so switch the tv on, but remain lying down while you are feeling like this at present.

I can TOTALLY relate as I suffer episodes like this myself. It has happened many times when I am out shopping, and even at the hairdressers last month, when I was SITTING as well!! It is a vasovagal episode when you actually faint, exacerbated by anxiety/panic. Please don't be frightened and it will pass, as apparently most episodes we only THINK we will faint, but we actually don't, and it is just the anxiety playing tricks, so I think I was unlucky when I did!

I combat these episodes by trying to distract myself from the immediate things I am feeling, by conversing with someone, chanting something silently in my head like 'you are ok, it will pass' , basically ANYTHING that calms down the physical effects.

Just know too that this is NOT A FAILURE on your part, so don't chastise yourself as you will wind up feeling worse. It is a temporary glitch.

Just take your time and trust me, it will pass hun.xxxx:)

03-09-10, 17:13
Oh Lisa thank you so much xxx I was panicking like mad but more coz the panic didnt come first,i was perfectly happy walking down the street and then i am suddenly having to hold on to things to get up, even sitting on the chair i felt my head was going towards the floor and just blacking out. And thinking there is no one to even help me up the street or no one at home plus those people just ignoring me and looking at me like i'm crazy, what type of people is that??? i would at least ask the person if they r alright,if they need water or anything!
I need to go in a bit... how do i get up and go....i am now scared something will happen to me while i am alone with my lo :weep:

03-09-10, 17:36
hi mila
you are not back to the begining hun honest ...its just a blip.
trust me...

i have made a really good recovery but about 2 weeks ago i went into work and it was a training session and i felt exactely like you did today...
i had to leave (never done before in the 4 1/2 yrs i been there)
i was gutted and distraught that i had gone right back to square one so i came in to chat ...
it came out of the blue like yours...
it did knock me about for a day or two but i am now back to were i was...
so i guess what im trying to say is hang on in there and try not to dwell on it.
go and get your little one and try not to think about what has happened.

03-09-10, 17:45
Thanks girls (Debs, Rach) :hugs: I am gonna get up and go... my head still feels like swimming... You know the feeling when someone is telling u oh yeah i felt exactly the same but u keep thinking there's no way they actually felt as bad, maybe i didnt describe as well how i really felt, i know this sounds horrible and ppl may think why do i bother saying anything then, but it actually helps so much, xxxx it does sink in after a while.

Lou 1
03-09-10, 17:47
Mila.. I have been feeling the EXACT same for nearyl 4 weeks now.. it seems to come and go and it is horrible when it happens! :(

03-09-10, 17:55
Lou,have u been to the docs? How r u coping? I can sort of cope with feeling off- balance a bit, i feel all washed out now really, but i was feeling for almost an hour like i'm defo gonna faint any second, was getting myself ready to lie down on the floor coz i thought better than to fall down.

03-09-10, 21:53
Mila... how many times have you had a panic attack?
it is SUPER SCARY but now you know what it is. it is PANIC and thats ALL. don't worry...
next time it happens you can fight it off..
thats what i do now.
when i first started to get panic attacks i used to freak out and it would spin out of control.
now when i feel like i am going to faint... and funnily enough i never have- i just think to myself.. NO i will not let this happen to me. and i breathe deeply, drink water, talk positively to yourself, try relax, stretch..if you are at home cold showers are the way to go.
and eventually the feelings will stop being as strong. it won;t feel as scary because you will know what it is and how to deal with it and know that you won;t faint.. nothing will happen and it will pass.

03-09-10, 22:52
CHAI, I completely agree. I really feel that if the power of our mind creates a panic attack response then we also have the power to bring ourselves out of it too, and that is what we need to get a handle on by loads of positive 'self-talking' and positive thinking like you mention.

I have to say, when I fainted it frightened the hell out of me and that brought on more near faint attacks, but as time goes on and although I still get them, I feel more confident in dealing with them now, and like you, I say to myself 'THIS IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME. I AM OKAY'

It is so hard to do, but it really can be done.:yesyes:

04-09-10, 07:10
defintely hard to do! but it most certainly can be done. and the thing is it requires a lot of strength and persistence and hard work. and it is important not to be discouraged. i'm going through a bad anxiety phase now and trying so so hard to fight it off.
and the very fact we are all here on this website is a part of that positive self-help.


04-09-10, 15:24
I know exactly what u r saying chai, i did in time learn to recognize my panic attacks and deal with them better than with my health anxiety and other anxiety symptoms. But sometimes it doesnt feel like panic started it plus it's been a while since i had this and my mind is exhausted anyway, with my little one who is sooo active and demanding and doesnt sleep and starting work receintly which isnt loads of hours a day but with everything else it feels like there is no break at all... now having to deal with these feelings as well...:weep:

04-09-10, 15:46
aww so horrid you're feeling this way :(
the thing about panic is that it just hits you without any obvious trigger.
but i know how much it sucks when you feel you are finally in control and then something happens... a symptom or something.. and you feel like you've lost it.
hope you are feeling a bit better....we shall prevail!

04-09-10, 16:21
It is awful when you feel you've moved forward and now gone right back again.

I think the thing is to recall that you have overcome it before, and so therefore you CAN do it again. This week has been the first panic attacks I've had in ages and I feel disappointed with myself and angry, but I now try to look at times like this as 'bad days' that are a glitch but can be overcome.

To believe that you will never get better is the worst thought to have, but to have hope and optimism is everything.


09-09-10, 14:20
Thank u all for support xxx I've been trying not to let this take me back to the times where i was scared to go or do anything, but i did call in sick the next day, although i was better, which lasted for about couple of days. Then two days ago i started getting really bad stabbing pains in one spot on my head,they only last less then a minute at a time, like lightning, but they are horribly scary, i started having them occasionally some months ago, they change sides, but there are couple of specific spots on each side where i get them, sometimes i can feel dizzy with it. Does this happen to anyone? I went to the doc,they didnt know what it is but said it cant be anything serious! How do they know? Anyway, yesterday suddenly i felt faint again and now been lightheaded and off balance since, cant stop worrying, plus just felt head pain again but on the other side. I am so fed up of this, i have to do my hair in town and go to work but the fear i will be very dizzy or faint and that something is wrong with me is overwhelming. If i go on the bus and come off i feel like i'm floating, and if
I look at moving things or move suddenly i feel dizzy... :weep::weep:

11-09-10, 13:38
I sympathise so much with you Mila.

I have just come back from the hairdressers and whilst there I had an anxiety attack and blacked out (thank God in the toilet out of public view) It was so humiliating as I could feel that I was going to faint so had excused myself to the toliet and there I ended up lying on the floor with half a head of unfinished foils in my hair as the poor junior came to my aid!) This morning when I awoke I felt anxious but had steeled myself before I left, but I think my problem is that I had a panic attack once before there and that was lurking in my subconscious so I was worried about it happening again....and it did. The only thing that still concerns me is that fainting is VERY rare with panic attacks as the BP rises, and faints are associated with low blood pressure. I had an ECG when this happened to me at work before and it was ok, but my BP was very low so I can only put it down to having already low BP but it scares the hell out of me. I think the problem is the fear of fainting stirs up the feeling that we are going to faint. SO FRUSTRATING. I have restarted my Cipralex this week so just hope they kick in soon, but I am seriously considering either counselling again to get to the root of this or CBT.I hope you feel better very soon mila.xxx:hugs: