View Full Version : Tumour freak out

03-09-10, 17:21
OK so I've started freaking myself out badly that I have a brain tumour now. I'm worried that the Dr will just say it's HA now my heart issues have been cleared up I've moved onto something else... blah blah blah

I've got pressue in my head and ears
Ringing in my ears
Strange numb patches on the top of both my big toes
Occassional dots which flicker quickly in my eyes (not floaters)
Numbness in my thumbs (though this is possibly from my computer use)

Am going to make an optician's app but I'm really worried.

03-09-10, 17:24
Forgot to mention the extreme tiredness and tired eyes and tingling tongue.

And this all started when I notcied a long while ago that my tongue had a dent in one side and wasn't straight when I stick it out.

04-09-10, 01:36
I really feel your pain... i really do...

about 10 months ago ... i was a mess i had gotten so bad i wouldn't leave my bed or even want togo outside.. i would cry alot thinking i was going to die and that i had a horrible brain tumour and there was no hope...

i went to the doctors in floods of tears and she said it was anxiety... even tho knowing it was she gave me a blood test and neurological test ( testing reflex etc etc) also had a eye test with the doctor and oppticians they said my eyes were in great working order!

it took along time to convince myself everything was fine and i DID NOT have a brain tumour...

my symptoms were dizzyness
heavy head
one side of my head would hurt
flashs of pain
pressure behind eyes and nose
neck pain loads more!

BUT anyway! go to your docs and talk about it.... really helped me

also do you drink alot of caffeine?

04-09-10, 10:21
Thanks for your words.

The best way I can describe my toe and finger things is it feels like someone is pressing down on the nail lightly. It's an odd sensation.

04-09-10, 19:07
I really feel your pain... i really do...

about 10 months ago ... i was a mess i had gotten so bad i wouldn't leave my bed or even want togo outside.. i would cry alot thinking i was going to die and that i had a horrible brain tumour and there was no hope...

i went to the doctors in floods of tears and she said it was anxiety... even tho knowing it was she gave me a blood test and neurological test ( testing reflex etc etc) also had a eye test with the doctor and oppticians they said my eyes were in great working order!

it took along time to convince myself everything was fine and i DID NOT have a brain tumour...

my symptoms were dizzyness
heavy head
one side of my head would hurt
flashs of pain
pressure behind eyes and nose
neck pain loads more!

BUT anyway! go to your docs and talk about it.... really helped me

also do you drink alot of caffeine?

I'm new to the site and after reading this, I'm glad i joined. This is quite literally like reading my mind. I have suffered with this for about 3 weeks now. I have a history of anxiety but of course, this time I'm convinced it's not anxiety and I have something wrong with me.

I'm a fairly rational person, but in the last 3 weeks, I have visited 2 doctors (one twice, and then paid for a private doctor), both of whom carried out neurological tests and a full check-up on me and said i was fine - anxiety. I have also seen two opticians, one of which has a fancy machine that sees all the way to the back of your eyes. Again, perfectly health eyes, no stress, no inflammation.

Am i convinced? Course not. I too have had dizziness, sharp pains in my head/right hand, heavy head on one side, feels like my ear is blocked etc etc.

Apart from physically force my doctor to send me for an MRI, i don't see there is much else i can do.

I'm now on Sertraline which isn't initially helping because it presents side effects (dizziness, nausea) which of course, make me panic more. I'm holding strong though knowing that eventually, they will wear off.

Dodo - I know how easy it is for people to say "don't worry, you're fine. it's anxiety". Simple answer is go ses your doctor. At least when he tells you it's anxiety, you've got a better chance of believing him.


05-09-10, 01:56
Hey dodo,

Right when my fear of an aneurysm left I got a new symptom which is presure in the head and ears with ringing or hissing..uhg I know its anxiety induced but my anxiety is that these new symptoms wont go away:(
But I totally understand the presure in the head and ears with ringing...I thought I was the only one who experienced this

05-09-10, 21:39
Thanks guys

THe strange tingling thing has dampened down a bit the last day. However I can't believe just how tired I am. It's like overwhelming tiredness which is keeping my fear going.

06-09-10, 00:22
Dodo, the overwhelming tiredness is almost most assuredly from you stressing out over this. I've been so stressed the past month that my normally fantastic immune system shut down and now I have a horrible headflu. Stress can make you very tired! I would point to that being the reason for your tiredness more than anything.

06-09-10, 14:57
I don't know. I mean I wasn't getting worked up about it before, in fact I'm not worked up in particular, just prying on my mind. My eyes just feel so tired and heavy and gritty like if you wake in the night unexpectedly. I just feel like I could sleep all day and not feel better.

06-09-10, 16:18
I'm having this issue right now too.

Over the last few weeks I have had certain problems.

1) The feeling of something being stuck in the right side of my head. I read you can't feel brain tumours due to no nerves in the brain, so I am wondering if this is part of my cranial nerve system playing up? I also have a really sore neck and keep getting shooting pains up my neck, around my ear to the top of my skull.
2) I feel like I've had more floaters in my eyes (which is a sign too)
3) My cognitive function seems to be weird, my long term memory is fine, as is my short to an extent, but I have had issues trying to remember what I did the day before, and getting frustrated when I couldn't remember. Admittedly the things I couldn't remember weren't every day occurances so I didn't focus on them. Once I remembered them though I didn't forget.
I found myself online taking memory tests and doing fine.
4) The other problem is if I need to start being creative, to start to think of things I don't normally do, I seem to hit a mental wall and my right side of my brain/head starts to hurt, like it doesn't want to do it. What's that about? Is that me doing it to myself?
5) Feeling a little bit sleepier, falling asleep in the bath, feeling tired at work. I get 7 to 8 hours a night so I think I'm getting enough.

I've had no headaches except the nerve in the neck issue, no nausea, no eye issues (except floaters). My main symptoms that tie up are the cognitive ones.

Am I worrying over nothing? When you try and force your brain to think/remember, does it get harder to do?

06-09-10, 17:43
I have a very poor memory too and quite often forget stuff. Plus I have a lot of floaters recently. Oh no, this is getting worse.

Neck pain can cause pain the top of your head though I do know that one.

07-09-10, 11:01
Does anyone else have this worry and know whether this is normal or abnormal?