View Full Version : Going out with work tonight.... whats the worst that could happen?!

03-09-10, 17:50
Well, im off out in less than an hour and im soooooooo scared!!

Im going for a Chinese with work for someones leaving do and im totally freeking out!

Firstly, because we're going out to eat.... will i be sick after the meal? Faint before the meal because iv not eaten for a few hours?

And secondly, because im going out the house!! What if i panic?? What if i need to leave.... i wouldnt leave because id make myself stay, but that would make me feel trapped and make me feel worse!

Sooo much is running through my mind and i already feel panicky, how on earth am i going to do it?! What if its really hot in there and i pass out??

Im just trying to calm down but its too hard... i really dont want to go but i cant back out now!

Reassurance is needed guys if possible... Should i go? Cancel?
For my own good i should make myself go.... but to make myself feel better i should cancel!

Head is so messed up with panic... wish i could be like everyone else and just get ready and go without a second thought! xx

margaret jones
03-09-10, 18:35
Fairyclairy Hi Please try and go because you know you will be fine because you have answered all your questions about(( What If ))Take some deep relaxing breaths put your Glad rags on and go out and enjoy yourself you deserve it .

Have Fun Maggie
ps report back tomorrow about the great night you had xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-09-10, 23:23
Thanks for your reply Maggie.... had such a good night! So so glad i pushed myself to go.. yes i panicked all the way through, heart was thumbing out my chest but i got on with it and laughed my way through the night.... cant explain how glad i am that i went! Thank u for your reply xx

03-09-10, 23:44
I was in same sort of predicament coupla weeks ago. Unlike you I gave into my anx and stayed in though. I'm really glad you went and had a good night out of it even though your anx was tellin you not to go, maybe next time I can do the same! :D xx

03-09-10, 23:50
Well done on going out.

try and remember it is the anticipation that is the worst and not the event itself.

Glad you had a good time