View Full Version : Pain in left shoulder blade when swallowing

03-09-10, 18:25
has anyone had this before. It started about 2 weeks ago. Every time I swallow (water mostly, sometimes food). I get a slight pain running thru my left shoulder blade. Almost like the food is passing thru the shoulder blade? I was fasting a few sundays ago and then ate a large meal at the end of the day. I was so hungry that I ate really fast. The next day i had this pain. And still do 2 weeks later? I have been eating really bad the past few weeks, I was on vacation and was eating alot of white breads and sugar and french fries.

I see my chiropractor today. And if its not better on monday I will see my G.P. I have had a VERY stressful summer and have had alot of panic attacks lately. (everyday). Any Ideas on what this shoulder pain could be?

03-09-10, 20:32
Yes I have had this when I have eaten something that was sharp that had scratched my food pipe - did you do this??? Must admit it wore off in a few days but freaked me all the same. I have also had somthing similar in ribs at side and that was due to a muscle injury as when you swallow anything you use muscles you don't know about - I once had a terrible stbbing pain in my lower rib every time I burped! and it was muscle related so it could also be due to skeletal.muscle problem as I am sure your chiro will explain.

03-09-10, 21:10
its possible to get shoulder pain like this frommeating etc as its referred pain from an irritated diaphragm. It will settle down,dont worry x

11-12-18, 19:52
Sorry to dig this up, but per my other thread I’ve been having this exact same thing for a couple of years now. Guess I need to go to the doc to get it checked out but would love to know how this resolved. It’s the first post I’ve found which relates - particularly that it’s more common with water than food: