View Full Version : blood pressure question

03-09-10, 18:47
hi, im almost 40 , female, slim, non smoker and until my pesky anxiety problems began around christmas, was very fit and active.

I started to obsess over my bp after ut was raised at an outpatient visit. It was 133/100 .
Ive been obsessively checking since then and usually chek it whilst sitting or laying on my bed and its always ok. Usually 100/65 - 1130/80 range.
For some silly reason i just decided ti check it when im standing up and it was 140/92 then 130/100!!
Im now really worried as obviously high blood pressure leads to so many problems and im also taking a betablocker already for anxiety so surely this is way too high? Im too scared to do anything now and my husband it annoyed with me for finding yet another thing to fret over
ETA i though that BP should fall when standing not get higher? Im never going to get back to the gym at this rate!

03-09-10, 19:00
hi alice my bp goes up and down all time sometimes 100 over 55 then 147 over 97 anx can cause ur bp to go up the fact that u obbsess over it means ur anx so it could raise itplus its not dangerously high also

03-09-10, 19:01
Here is a link to a chart below and lots of info on what your blood pressure readings mean. While your readings are a bit off, they are still classed as borderline mild. So i would not fret to much over it.


03-09-10, 20:29
Your blood pressure should rise when you stand up otherwise you'd end up in a heap on the floor! YOur readings are not bad and they have to be consistently high even on sitting or laying down to be classed as high bp.

Could you throw your bp monitor away and just get your GP to check it maybe once a month - they are best as they allow for anxiety.

03-09-10, 20:33
thanks countrygirl, my husband is close to burning the bloody thing himself.

i know when i test and am laying down relaxed it is often whats classed as low, ie, 95/55 the other day.
how do theyndo 24 hour bp testing? Are you aware when the bp,is being taken? I think that if im anxious id still get high readings with the anticipation iyswim?

03-09-10, 21:10
I doubt the doc will refer you for a 24 hour test unless they think it is absolutely necessary though.

I had one several years ago.

03-09-10, 21:12
what did it involve exactly nicola?

03-09-10, 21:23
It is very annoying lol.

You put the cuff on your arm and carry the monitor around on a belt.

It takes your blood pressure every 30 minutes during the day and then every 2 (or was it 4 hours) overnight.

I kept taking it off inbetween the 30 minute readings as it does get in the way and then at night it can wake you up when it takes the reading.

03-09-10, 21:35
that does sound like a pita! I had a week long holter monitor and that was a nightmare in the heat of summer. I got very sore from the pads.
Thanks for the info x

03-09-10, 21:37
Haha someone else that uses pita - not many know that one lol

There is no reason you can't go back to the gym - exercise will lower the blood pressure

03-09-10, 22:44
I need to believe that im healthy again. Damned warped thoughts!
I do walk daily between 1-2 hours but used to really push myself at the gym in a step class.
Part of the problem is going back and facing potential questions as i used to go daily, but have not been now for months.
My children have just started back at school so my goals are eating better and trying out a swim when the pool is quieter. I really need to be eating much better to do the cardio stuff and body pump that i used to, so that's where i shall begin.
Once again, thanks to you all for talking some sense into me.

03-09-10, 22:56
Wow you sound healthy to me lol - I don't know anyone that walks that much a day.

I am sure people won't ask where you have been - if they ask just say you have had a lot on.

Good luck with it all.

03-09-10, 23:00
I had to get a 24 hour bp test because every time the doc took mine it was high (not massively but just to get a proper ready the doc sent me for the test).

It was the most annoying and most uncomfortable thing ever lol! Big massive cuff and big box thing that clips to your trousers. It kept going off when I was doing stuff like in the shops at the checkout etc lol. I could feel my BP rising when the thing started up lol. Turned out even though I felt my BP kept going high my average BP reading was just fine and normal. It also went off every two hours at night which was not easy to sleep with !


04-09-10, 20:11
Wow you sound healthy to me lol - I don't know anyone that walks that much a day.

I am sure people won't ask where you have been - if they ask just say you have had a lot on.

Good luck with it all.

I have 2 very energetic westies that demand the exercise:yesyes:

05-09-10, 12:49
The fact that you are anxious about your blood pressure, and then keep checking it will increase your blood pressure readings. Also, when standing and assessing your blood pressure you will get a higher reading...this is perfectly normal. Your heart has to work harder when standing, especially if you are taking it from the moment you have just stood up (its hard work for your body getting from a seated to standing position). To get an accurate reading....

Sit down and wait until you feel relaxed, then take your reading. Then stand...wait a few minutes then take. Hope this helps x