View Full Version : Headache

03-09-10, 19:45
I've had a headache for a few days and keep worrying. It's tense at both ends and I can feel the veins pulsating and my head feels crushed, tight, squeezed.

I feel like I am on a boat sea sick with this horrible head tension...like a constant headache and I'm worried it's serious?

Anybody else had this? :blush:

03-09-10, 19:57
Hi Phil

I thought you had headaches for a while now?

Sounds like a tension headache to me though

03-09-10, 20:03
Hi Phil

I thought you had headaches for a while now?

Yes it's been quite bad the last few months again. I took paracetamol last night but it never helped much.

03-09-10, 20:10
Try reading these 2:



03-09-10, 20:12
Also found this:

Understanding your headache triggers can help you avoid situations that cause your headaches. A headache diary can help you identify your headache triggers. When you get a headache, write down the day and time the pain began. The diary should include notes about what you ate and drank in the last 24 hours, how much you slept and when, and what was going on in your life immediately before the pain started. For example, were you under any unusual stress? Also include information about how long the headache lasted, and what made it stop.

Hot or cold showers or baths may relieve a headache for some people. You may need to make lifestyle changes if you have chronic tension headaches. This may include changing your sleep habits (usually to get more sleep), increasing exercise, and stretching the neck and back muscles. In some situations, you may need to change your job or recreational habits.

03-09-10, 20:16
Could be tension-related Phil but tension headaches don't usually "pulsate". Could be migraine-type headaches set off by stress/anxiety. Important thing is not to let it worry you even more because that will make it worse for sure.

03-09-10, 21:21
Could be tension-related Phil but tension headaches don't usually "pulsate". Could be migraine-type headaches set off by stress/anxiety. Important thing is not to let it worry you even more because that will make it worse for sure.

Thanks. No I mean the veins on my head pulsate...

Maybe it is tension. :blush:

05-09-10, 00:21
Well, tension can cause tension headaches and migraines, so I reckon the important thing is to concentrate on your stress levels Phil. Do you exercise at all? Even going for a long walk helps to de-stress sometimes. It acts as a distraction and a release of pent up energy. Try it and I'm sure you'll feel the difference. Take care mate.

10-11-10, 17:57
Does anybody know how to stop these headaches properly? Every Time I worry about my symptoms the veins just pulse up and I'm sitting with a sore head and sometimes paracetamol doesn't even help.

I noticed that putting my hands on the side of my head makes the symptoms worse. It's got worse too as I can feel the tension to my draw, right upto my ear and any panic attack seems to come with these pulsing head veins

11-11-10, 21:20
I had had headaches for days now..im putting it down to not eating and being sick all the time. Not enough fluids,,im trying so hard as my best friend has a brain tumer,,she never got a headache,,she thought it was a stroke,,headaches can be caused for lots of reasons,,stress etc,,take care x

19-04-21, 12:34
The other day I had a bad headache took some Paracetamol and it went away but I have had a very slight tension headache for a few days after like sometimes I don’t notice it. Seems to come when I think about it I feel a slight tingle at the side of my head could it be anxiety? Sometimes symptoms are really apparent but seems mild?

19-04-21, 12:55
Anxiety is always going to cause muscle tension, yes.

19-04-21, 13:17
After so many anxious years, you know the answer to this Phil.

20-04-21, 16:59
I have had a new manager at work so it’s really been since that I may be under more stress. The headache is too painful but a tension enough to make me notice it. Sometimes it sort of goes away then I look for the symptom again. I posted about this before over the years sometimes I get symptoms and they last weeks. I am unsure how long this one will last but I hope not long before I google symptoms.

20-04-21, 17:14
I am unsure how long this one will last but I hope not long before I google symptoms.

No need to, as you rightly say its a 'tension headache' so it'll last as long as you are tense.

20-04-21, 23:37
I had some paracetamol tonight as it got worse but it went away and came back a bit. Like tense at the side and across my forehead. I am very worried about work maybe that’s a cause? My worry is I’ve had the symptom days but I know with anxiety this stuff can last weeks?

20-04-21, 23:48
??? ??? Based on your post history and experience.... What do you think? Please answer without using a question mark.


21-04-21, 08:02
A new manager is going to cause you stress and worry because of the change and the uncertainty. Do you think that he/she will make any changes to your work rota or bring in any new rules?

Do you like the new manager?

21-04-21, 09:26
A new manager is going to cause you stress and worry because of the change and the uncertainty. Do you think that he/she will make any changes to your work rota or bring in any new rules?

Do you like the new manager?

He is younger than me and also wants me to work until 9pm each shift 30 mins later not overtime so means hanging around the house and going in later so very worried. Been in that store just over a year and I did my first job application last night as I am so worried about it. When I moved to that shop I gave up 6pm finishes for some 8.30pm ones however I dislike working that late until 9pm. I asked to do less days but he refused

21-04-21, 09:40
I'm sorry, Phil, that sounds like a huge pain. I'm not surprised you're getting headaches!

21-04-21, 11:03
I'm sorry, Phil, that sounds like a huge pain. I'm not surprised you're getting headaches!

I am hoping the headaches go away but I’ve not been given a rota with new times yet so maybe I am still worried. I realise things change but sucks when it’s not a positive change.

21-04-21, 11:08
Facial tension, jaw /tooth clenching are probably the cause Phil. Sit with your hands around the side of your face, covering as much as you can from your forehead, down the sides to your lower jaw - your face tense your face by clenching your jaw, you can feel so many muscles tighten everywhere, and if that is prolonged then a headache results.

21-04-21, 13:58
I am hoping the headaches go away but I’ve not been given a rota with new times yet so maybe I am still worried. I realise things change but sucks when it’s not a positive change.

Maybe ask for the rota and then you will see what hours you have been asked to do and are not speculating? If he insists on 9pm finishes and this is not in your contracted hours could you talk about this with HR?

24-04-21, 01:58
Maybe ask for the rota and then you will see what hours you have been asked to do and are not speculating? If he insists on 9pm finishes and this is not in your contracted hours could you talk about this with HR?

I got a rota only one 9pm so that’s good news. I’ve been ok at work no headaches but like when I come home I feel head pressure why would this be? Why has this become my main symptom now? It seems to me when I think about it long and hard and be like “do I feel head tension” I hoped once the rota arrived I would feel more relaxed. I do feel a little tension as I am saving money right now and scared to spend it due to lockdown habits maybe this is adding extra pressure? I worry about the future too. Seemingly uk no longer in a pandemic so maybe I can relax more?

24-04-21, 08:02
If you think long and hard about anything it will become more important and prominent so you'll notice any perceived sensation more.

I think you can allow yourself to relax a bit more now and make the most of the better news re Covid and also the relaxed restrictions in Scotland. Don't ruminate about the future. Media speculation isn't fact.

Glad the work situation is a bit more settled for you.

24-04-21, 09:19
Seemingly uk no longer in a pandemic so maybe I can relax more?

....a bit of credit for those 95 % in the 50 plus age group who have been vaccinated and instrumental in that fact ? :winks:

24-04-21, 20:09
....a bit of credit for those 95 % in the 50 plus age group who have been vaccinated and instrumental in that fact ? :winks:

Yes that’s good news

24-04-21, 20:12
If you think long and hard about anything it will become more important and prominent so you'll notice any perceived sensation more.

I think you can allow yourself to relax a bit more now and make the most of the better news re Covid and also the relaxed restrictions in Scotland. Don't ruminate about the future. Media speculation isn't fact.

Glad the work situation is a bit more settled for you.

I can relax more Israel seems to be better now. Things are opening I mean there is still the worry about needing tested often but hopefully that doesn’t come to much? If things improve hopefully won’t be needing tested too often.

Back to the headache it has felt tense all is that normal? Seemingly if it was an any issue it would get worse but it’s just a mild tension across my head. It is worrying me as that’s my main symptom. I’m not sure if I should be trying relaxation or cutting out the fizzy drinks to try and get rid of the symptom?

26-04-21, 12:48
I never noticed the headache too much last night seemed to go away as I was busy but today it feels a tight band round my head mostly tension at the front. Often I don’t feel anxious but still feel this symptom? How long might it last? Maybe be I will have the symptom forever?

Can’t put my finger on why people say try relaxation sometimes that does nothing. At work I tend to notice it much less but sometimes feel it mild. Like a tight band. How long might it last? I can’t find a trigger? Last night I was keeping busy looking at hotels never had it today I’m sort of waiting to start work and feel it?

26-04-21, 13:43
When you're busy and occupied you don't remember or have time to body scan.

How long will you have a sporadic tension headache? There's no definite answer but I suspect you will move on to other worries very soon now that lockdown is easing in Scotland.

26-04-21, 16:46
When you're busy and occupied you don't remember or have time to body scan.

How long will you have a sporadic tension headache? There's no definite answer but I suspect you will move on to other worries very soon now that lockdown is easing in Scotland.

About a week. Yes I had hand pains for a week not long ago and my mind moved onto something else. I am hoping now lockdown eases I can keep myself a little more busy.

27-04-21, 11:19
The tension has also been some eye straining could be related? I notice a member on here had head tension for 2 weeks and it just went away. Mine started after I got a new manager at work. It’s a bit of a pain as I wake and body scan for the symptom. It only goes if I am working and focusing hard on the job or if am browsing hard at hotels or something to really keep my mind busy. Problem is I can’t keep that focused all day. Often with the symptoms I want them go go away but they just won’t?

28-04-21, 15:22
Can head tension last over a week? Relaxation isn’t working unless I try deep relaxation or look at hotels/work where my mind is busy. Any other time I feel the tension? I woke up today and it never started until I was up an hour my head kept saying do I feel tense? Can anxiety really cause these symptoms? Another example I had feet pain with new shoes at work. I felt no head pain as my mind was focused on the feet? But it’s a pain as I feel tension headache quite a lot unless I really really keep the mind super busy

28-04-21, 20:01

28-04-21, 20:02


28-04-21, 20:15
Can head tension last over a week?

Yes, and you know this, as then you say -

I feel tension headache quite a lot unless I really really keep the mind super busy

It only goes if I am working and focusing hard on the job or if am browsing hard at hotels

So, you are quite aware that it can come and go depending on distraction.

Can anxiety really cause these symptoms?

Yes, but then you know that too, as you talk about other members who have had anxiety/tension headaches and have had the same yourself in the past.

28-04-21, 20:36
What do you want people to say here, Phil? What would be an "acceptable" response? Is there one?

28-04-21, 22:10
What do you want people to say here, Phil? What would be an "acceptable" response? Is there one?

I thought this was pretty appropriate :whistles:



30-04-21, 18:28
The headache left yesterday I hoped that would be it but I was focused on other symptoms. Today the headache returned but I am focusing on it. Every minute I think “headache” and when I over worry it became intense and was like a squeezing feeling. Strange thing is I felt fine yesterday. I don’t have a technique which gets rid of it. Maybe if I am busy I worry less then I look for it and the headache can return instantly? I had this issue about a decade ago when I started this topic and from memory the headaches lasted months. There isn’t too much worrying me but perhaps I have stuff worrying me without knowing it too much?

30-04-21, 19:47
What do you think, Phil? Are you worried that you haven't got too much to worry about?

30-04-21, 20:38
What do you think, Phil? Are you worried that you haven't got too much to worry about?

Worried? I have the weight of the world on my mind this government want testing part of normal life to visit a pub or go abroad. I seen talk about a club opening I mean wow might seem normal but it’s not as you need tested. The past year has been awful but we have to suffer restrictions longer. I have some nice things planned for holiday but I feel very very flat due to my fear that normal won’t return this year atleast. That’s another year gone no gigs or holidays. Sure things are better than what they were but like I say covid screening is going to be part of life and it won’t feel very normal atall I feel very down about it maybe you reassure me?

30-04-21, 20:50
So you DO have the weight of the world on your shoulders then despite saying that you haven't got "much" to worry about the the moment?

I can't reassure you, Phil because reassurance to you means cast iron certainty.

You've booked some nice things though for this year so something to look forward to? Do you feel depressed or highly anxious about covid screening which you will presumably refuse to do?

30-04-21, 21:04
So you DO have the weight of the world on your shoulders then despite saying that you haven't got "much" to worry about the the moment?

I can't reassure you, Phil because reassurance to you means cast iron certainty.

You've booked some nice things though for this year so something to look forward to? Do you feel depressed or highly anxious about covid screening which you will presumably refuse to do?

The pub passports story is back after then ditching the idea a few weeks ago. We have a very sleazy government. Israel are ditching the idea in May. Well it’s like dangling a carrot I can go to the cinema in May but by June I may be refused without a testing. Sure you are getting clubbers out tonight but I can’t see people standing outside a make shift tent to be tested for every pub it’s very dysponian. Probably more rubbish churned up by the government to fill the papers. I always worried what would come next the big recession job loses empty shops and testing. In a way it’s worse than the COVID lockdown isn’t it?

30-04-21, 21:07
I am trying to focus on the things I can actually do I realise 2021 is a bit of a write off like 2020 many things will remain closed or restricted and holidays will be awkward. Surely if the virus becomes very low levels the old normal can come back? But yeah I wish the head tension would go maybe the covid stuff is adding to it?

01-05-21, 19:03
So I went to the shops today got a bus and train had very mild tension now got home it’s really intense why is this? A few days back I had zero tension headache. Sitting with relaxation on doesn’t help much I still feel queazy or a squeezing tension?

01-05-21, 19:21
So I went to the shops today got a bus and train had very mild tension now got home it’s really intense why is this?

You were worried about COVID, being out in the community and on public transport, non-vaccinated and mask-exempt ? I'm not saying this to goad you Phil, but those are facts and I think those facts bring you more worries. What with that trip today and the constant worries about every aspect of life you talk about, it would surprise me if you didn't have a headache to be honest.

01-05-21, 19:28
Carys makes a very good point, unfortunately; you're going out completely unprotected and basically at the mercy of other people's social consciences. It's not surprising that this is so stressful for you.

01-05-21, 20:17
You were worried about COVID, being out in the community and on public transport, non-vaccinated and mask-exempt ? I'm not saying this to goad you Phil, but those are facts and I think those facts bring you more worries. What with that trip today and the constant worries about every aspect of life you talk about, it would surprise me if you didn't have a headache to be honest.

Yes the train was very busy and people were standing on it. I wouldn’t worry too much lots of younger people have not been offered it yet but the pubs seemed very busy with revellers. I am debating booking a trip to London (just to stay overnight) as I want to visit some towns close by rather than visit the busy tourist sites. But no I wasn’t too worried by it being busy but I do like to be careful and don’t like people too close.

01-05-21, 20:18
Carys makes a very good point, unfortunately; you're going out completely unprotected and basically at the mercy of other people's social consciences. It's not surprising that this is so stressful for you.

Yes but people who are not vaccinated don’t be to stay marooned indoors life goes on like last summer. I do understand as I know a few people who even with a vaccine are nervous to go out. I don’t think it being busy causes my headaches though

01-05-21, 20:30
14 1/2 years and nothing changes Phil... if it's not this, it's bins or toilet germs or travel fears or the other dozen or so fixations you have. Every response here and on other sites (which echo what's said here) does nothing to help and is just food for your dragon and the people trying to help just get burned :lac:


Do what you feel you need to do as any advice is ignored and just re-visited over and over again :shrug:


01-05-21, 20:38
I don’t think it being busy causes my headaches though

Rightho, so you aren't bothered about catching covid as I suggested, so what do you think is causing your tension headache then ? (that one that comes and goes and you've had for ages before) Do some of the work here Phil.......

01-05-21, 20:43
Rightho, so you aren't bothered about catching covid as I suggested, so what do you think is causing your tension headache then ? (that one that comes and goes and you've had for ages before) Do some of the work here Phil.......

Well I don’t want to catch covid don’t think no anybody does. But I don’t think doing things is the cause of the headaches I think lockdown has been hard so it’s much better to keep busy.

01-05-21, 20:45
OK, so why do you think you have a tension headache today ?

(my wording was wrong when I said you 'aren't bothered about catching covid', I should have said 'the risk of catching covid doesn't worry you')

01-05-21, 20:51
What do you think causes your headache?

01-05-21, 20:55
What do you think causes your headache?

Well I had hand pains for weeks and they went. In 2016 I had bowel issues too and and in 2010 anxiety cussed me tension headaches. Problem is these things can last weeks on end. I actually don’t get many physical symptoms but it does happen now and again. I am getting impatient that symptoms don’t go very quickly

01-05-21, 20:57
That literally doesn't answer the question at all Phil, both of us asked.

What do you think causes your tension headache?

01-05-21, 21:01
That literally doesn't answer the question at all Phil, both of us asked.

What do you think causes your tension headache?

If I wasn’t worried or wasn’t sure I probably wouldn’t be posting here so I am not sure I’m no expert.

01-05-21, 21:17
We don't have the answer, we don't know why you have a tension headache - its your mind, your body. I've given a couple of suggestions, and I think others have too earlier in the thread, but you don't think those are the reasons.

You need to try and think Phil, what is causing you to feel stressed and anxious ?

03-05-21, 15:24
I am unsure what is causing me stress.

A few nights ago the headache went and last night it came back and today. I took some paracetamol but the head tension reminded and feel a bit sickly? Can anxiety really be causing this?

I am very worried about COVID and how things seem to be taking ages to improve it does make me worry maybe quite a bit and I don’t know much it worries me

03-05-21, 17:54
It's good that you are realising how anxiety affects you, Phil. There are in fact a lot of things which are causing you stress when you think about it? Everyday life is stressful, change is stressful, anything which you perceive as "tainted" is stressful..What else really worries you? Maybe you should make a list and see how it all adds up?

03-05-21, 19:25
It's good that you are realising how anxiety affects you, Phil. There are in fact a lot of things which are causing you stress when you think about it? Everyday life is stressful, change is stressful, anything which you perceive as "tainted" is stressful..What else really worries you? Maybe you should make a list and see how it all adds up?

Ive had the tension headache all day it’s a real pain. I guess the usual health family money worries the usual sort of ones? I would say I am very worried but I don’t get why it gives me so much physical symptoms. Often I just feel rubbish and there isn’t one solution to fix it other than hope tomorrow is a better day?

03-05-21, 19:48
Once I had a very painful tension headache every day for 6 months solid. Physical symptoms are very common with chronic anxiety. I'm surprised you've got off lightly so far.

09-05-21, 21:59
I’ve had more head tension today now i am off work on holiday. I had it very mild or not atall at work but it comes on for short spells now. I always worry it’s not anxiety maybe that’s what keeps the cycle going? I have worried about it all night so noticed the symptom more. Being off work this week makes me worry I will feel it more?

10-05-21, 08:10
Are you going on holiday in the UK this week, Phil? I think you mentioned that you had booked a trip away?

10-05-21, 09:12
Are you going on holiday in the UK this week, Phil? I think you mentioned that you had booked a trip away?

A hotel in Scotland but my first day visit to England since March 2020. Think it will be a while longer for foreign travel sadly

11-05-21, 14:32
I never had the head tension yesterday the fact it’s not been daily I take it that’s good news? Perhaps I can isolate it down to stress some days?

11-05-21, 15:56
Yes Phil, I’m sure it is tension.

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13-05-21, 07:04
I had some chest pains last night and today too so seems I am getting lots of physical symptoms. I am going to England today and quite worried the trains had issues and also they say the Indian strain of Covid is bad in England? Plus I have bad health anxiety so all week I’ve felt anxious. But yes I was on a train other day and had a panic lasted all of maybe ten mins but that’s my worry aswell I have not been use to the long journeys. It’s hit or miss in the past I use to either be relaxed or anxious on the train. But yes Covid isn’t finished yet so I am worried how safe it will be today..also i have days with no head tension and days it comes back too.

13-05-21, 16:22
Enjoy your trip Phil.

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13-05-21, 17:20
Enjoy your trip Phil.

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Thanks I managed the trip today got another one Saturday then I can relax and go back to work.

13-05-21, 18:04
You've done well, Phil. You'll soon get your routine back now.

13-05-21, 21:24
You've done well, Phil. You'll soon get your routine back now.

Thanks can the anxiety really cause this chest pain foot pain and tension headaches? I admit I was very worried about going almost like the fear of flying I felt so worked up what if someone coughs, if someone gets close and these new COVID variants? I was just so worried. I have one more trip on Saturday before I go back to work. I put some music on when I was on the train and it helped. I felt most well when I was shopping and busy but more anxious when I was bored waiting for trains or on the train and the headache came back. My ocd is very mild right now as expected due to suffering so much physical anxiety symptoms I feel trapped in anxiety right now but perhaps it’s all the change with covid and things opening?

13-05-21, 21:34
Can anxiety cause the chest pain?

14-05-21, 08:28
Yes..and chronic tension headaches. When you're busy and focused you're less likely to notice aches and pains. When you're bored or ruminating you will seek out any discomfort or sensation which doesn't feel right.

It's your first holiday in a while, I expect? It's not the same as before Covid so you need to be on your guard as you don't wear a mask and aren'tvaccinated. Hopefully most people are considerate of others on the trains. Playing music is a good idea on the train if you're feeling panicky.

14-05-21, 22:04
Yes..and chronic tension headaches. When you're busy and focused you're less likely to notice aches and pains. When you're bored or ruminating you will seek out any discomfort or sensation which doesn't feel right.

It's your first holiday in a while, I expect? It's not the same as before Covid so you need to be on your guard as you don't wear a mask and aren'tvaccinated. Hopefully most people are considerate of others on the trains. Playing music is a good idea on the train if you're feeling panicky.

Thanks how long can symptoms last months maybe and often I don’t have any reason to be anxious but perhaps it’s my sub conscious mind finding stuff to be anxious about? I worry about dying every single day so it’s a bit of a phobia I believe that’s driving my physical symptoms and that’s driven by the covid deaths on news..

15-05-21, 11:04
I have noticed the head pain seems to be more swapped for the chest strain. Seems my physical symptoms are at work?

15-05-21, 12:52
Yes it seems like it. Chest pain is often caused by tension in your muscles and panicked breathing which causes you to breathe more from your chest instead of more relaxed depp breathing.

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