View Full Version : I did it - and now feel smug

28-02-06, 19:03
As a lecturer of Comp. therapies I had been asked to teach a course in Bournemouth last weekend, when it was booked I was fine, these attacks had subsided for well over a year, then at Christmas they all came back, so imagine all the angst that arose, the car would brake down, the hotel would not have had my booking, there would be a lot of noise, I would not sleep, the people would be hostile ..... need I go on! So Friday dawned and I packed the cxar, decided to go the "pretty route" - I could stop if I needed to, take my time if I needed to, all the excuses, but I managed to drive with only two stops, one because I needed a "wee break" and another because someone cut me up and I had a flash attack - mine take the form of ants down my back. But I arrived all was well at the hotel, then Saturday dawned and I arrived at the venue, no one there - instant panic. Then someone did turn up, and she just kept talking - I wanted to scream at her - just leave me alone, I am not very good today, but I couldn't. I survived the entire day with only a few flutters. But It was wonderful to get back home that night and be with myself.
Thank you who ever reads this, I feel so much better now:D

there's a place that I dream of when I sleep, so peaceful, so quite, I call it mother earth.

28-02-06, 20:02

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

28-02-06, 20:54
so glad you feel better

you have every right to be proud of yourself