View Full Version : swollen ankle

04-09-10, 03:43
hello, my mums ankles have swollen and i'm suddenly thinking of really bad things happening to her and im starting to panic. Any ideas what may of caused this? is there any chance at all that it could be cancer?

Please reply ASAP - I'm going out of my mind with worry.

Many Thanks

04-09-10, 04:06
No, she will be fine. In fact my mom told me the other night that her ankle has always stayed swollen slightly for years, something i never knew.

04-09-10, 08:39
Has she taken a flight? my feet/ankles swelled on a flight once, went down after a while! been on her feet for a long time? water retention? sunburn! there are so many possibilities... get her checked if your worried, always better safe than sorry x

04-09-10, 12:32
I had this once due to sunburn on my legs. It was weird, suddenly I noticed both my ankles had swelled up. It did go away though over night. I think it is more common in pregnant women and older women. It can be due to water retention. As Katy said, if you're worried see a doctor, but it is a fairly common symptom which can be caused by a number of everyday things. http://www.patient.co.uk/health/Oedema-(Idiopathic).htm this may help.

04-09-10, 13:46
My mum gets this really bad and it is water retention and she takes tablets for it sometimes.

Get her to drink more water today and see if that helps.

04-09-10, 13:59
Hi louise.....Try not to worry.

There can be lots of reasons for swollen ankles, one being if someone has spent a lot of time on their feet and the circulation gets a bit sluggish.As others have mentioned, water retention is highly possible too as the body clings onto water particularly if you are a bit dehydrated and it accumulates in various parts of the body causing swelling so please, please don't worry about something like Cancer which it is highly unlikely to be.

I always got swollen ankles and feet when I was working in the hospital as we did 12 hour shifts, a good 10 hours of which I was up on my feet. By the time I got home my feet and ankles were puffy and throbbing! Get your Mum to raise her legs up on a cushion, keep her fluids up and the swelling should go down. If you are still worried see the GP.
