View Full Version : Meningitis Worry.

04-09-10, 15:27
I get most of these symtoms and my sister had meningitus when she was a baby, so it could run in the family line, but im getting these symtoms maybe not the rash one but i do get little tiny rashes sometimes..
could i have this? :S

this website shows all the symtoms im very worried now, can it kill?http://www.meningitis.org/symptoms

04-09-10, 15:50
don't look at the website!!! that will just fuel your fear.
i reckon because your sister had it when she was a baby- you subconciously absorbed the idea of it and now its coming out in the form of your anxiety.
and as far as i know meningitis is not genetic.. its contagious. and not your everyday disease.
i'm sure you are fine.. if you feel really ill go to the dr but i reckon you;re ok if you can type this all in a coherent fashion.

06-09-10, 13:09
I used to obsess about meningitis, so much it took over my life. I checked my skin for rashes every day, took my temp etc.... Honestly you would know, my auntie had it so it fueled my anxiety, and someone in my local village died of it when I was a child so I think that started my obsession.

Try to relax, Miss Charlie is right, you really would know if you had it and you wouldn't be on the computer.