View Full Version : Huntington's Disease

28-02-06, 20:59

Does anyone sometimes think that they have this? even though it is a hereditary condition and you only get it if you inherit the faulty gene i still worry about having it as it says sometimes you are not aware that it is in your family due to people in your family dying from other causes before symptoms started, symptoms usually start aged 30-50 but can occur earlier or later.

I only think i have it becuase my memory has been getting terrible lately and my cognitive ability seems slower than normal, my thinking does not seem as good.

Read this:- www.hda.org.uk

28-02-06, 21:14
why would you want us to read about another disease. as if we all dont fear enough already.

is that what the site is about or am i mistaken. if i am i apologise.

i just hate what i fear as it is and couldnt bear added fears so if the site is about a new disease i will give it a miss ta

hope you feel better soon as i wish for myself


28-02-06, 21:25
I don't think you have it but ask your parents if it is in the family - they will know.

My memory is bad but I don't think it is that - I think I am just a bit stressed and have too much going on.

I believe you can be tested for it as well.


28-02-06, 21:30
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I don't think you have it but ask your parents if it is in the family - they will know.

My memory is bad but I don't think it is that - I think I am just a bit stressed and have too much going on.

I believe you can be tested for it as well.


<div align="right">Originally posted by nomorepanic - 28 February 2006 : 21:25:24</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Thanks for the reply nicola, well my mums mum and dad are 63 and 67 and my dads mum is 68 and my dads dad died aged 70 from cancer and these symptoms normally start between ages 30 and 50 so normally someone should be showing symptoms by now although it is not uncommon for people to start shwoing symptoms in their 70's but it is definately not in my family to my knowledge although sometimes it can strike from nowhere when there is not afamily history or very rarely there can be a new genetic mutation.

I had a genetic test for cystic fibrosis last year because my wife is a carrier and my 2 step children are affected by it and my wife fell pregnant so i decided to have a test to see whether i was a carrier for it and it came back negative, but i was wondering when they look for faulty genes etc do they only look for that certain gene? because if not and they look at all genes then i can't have it because it would have been picked up.

28-02-06, 21:36
all good news then i am so glad you are in the clear on this one

try to forget this, easier said than done i know

28-02-06, 22:09
yeah i am trying to forget about it but it is very hard.

28-02-06, 22:20
Never heard of it, do not want to read about it - cause next thing you know, I will start to show symptoms!

I know better!

I am out people!
