View Full Version : Is this really panic? What is going on? Please Help!

04-09-10, 21:23
Ok today for me it is even being worse. Is this a sign that it is starting to take me over for good or what?

I woke up this morning feeling ill at my stomach and of course the weak feeling throughout my body i always get. I got up and ate my normal breakfast. It was hard to eat because when i feel this way i lose my appetite.

I decided to start cleaning the house and that helped a bit to keep my mind of it but when i finished i started breaking out in a light sweat everytime i sat down at the computer. Feeling really uneasy like i was gonna pass out. Frequent urination kicking in too along with my always sweaty clammy feet.

So i jumped in the shower to cool off and relax. Took about a 25min one and it helped as it usually does. About 5 min after being out of shower though the weak feeling and light sweat breakout again, so i sat on the couch closed my eyes and started to talk to myself like a wierdo telling myself that it was just a panic/anxiety feeling and that i was perfectly fine and didnt need to go to the ER.

I kept my eyes closed and kept repeating good thoughts in my head and my elbows on my knees supporting my head in my hands and i was like litterally falling asleep from weakness and exhaustion i guess from it. SO i layed back on the couch, propped my feet up and had my eyes closed repeating the same positive thoughts and within min i kept passing out, dozing off, but would wake quickly thinking that i was passing out instead. I didnt want to lay there and fall asleep though, i just wanted the feeling to go away.

Right now i am of course back on the computer and have a need to urinate again, but when i have a bad urge i dont feel the weak feeling anymore so thats why i hold it as long as i can lol wierd i know.

Is this really all panic/anxiety? I always am having second thoughts it could be something else and i can not find a way to get my mind from constantly feeling out the feelings in my body.

Please HELP! I just wanted to write all of this because if feels nice to hear from you guys and keeps my head on my shoulders more, instead of trying to go to the doctor.

04-09-10, 21:46
Your body fell alseep because it is exhausting to put up with all the adrenalin. You did the right thing by talking yourself down from an anxiety attack, it doesnt make you wierd I did it all the time and it works like a charm. Keep thinking positive thoughts. As soon as your mind and body are on the same page the anxiety will ease up. I used to sweat like a lumberjack, hands, feet and everywhere else. It will pass.

04-09-10, 21:51
This is what I was like last week, I was really fighting going to sleep too and kept getting that jerking awake feeling which set the panic off again.
I talk to myself out loud too, it is really reassuring, and to be honest if it helps, what the heck if it's a bit weird!
Have you got any relaxation CD's or anything that you could listen to to try and calm yourself down?
There is some good free stuff here:http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/information/wellbeing-podcasts/

04-09-10, 21:56
I guess my biggest thing is, i do not feel right in my body all the time, it makes me wonder if it is really is anxiety or not. Like right now i still feel very weak, with clammy sweaty feet, and loss of appetite. I cant talk to myself all day and i got to find a way to trigger my mind to stop monitoring myself, but it is so hard.

Living on my own doesnt help matters either because you basically are by yourself with noone around for help.

How did you cure yourself? Did you take meds at all? I just want these constant everyday feelings to go away for good, it is really starting to ruin my work and life.

04-09-10, 22:05
I am taking a fair bit of medication now, but after trying for months to cope without I really hit rock bottom.
I am taking sertraline, and antidepressant and olanzapine, which helps me sleep and stops the obsessive thoughts. I am also taking propanolol to control the rapid heart beat and shaking. I am seeing my GP weekly at the moment whilst I am stabilising, and I am on the waiting list for CBT through work too.
I found Claire Weeks book, self help for your nerves a really good read and that helped too as do the MIND podcasts.

Have you seen a doctor at all about how you feel. Most illnesses can be ruled out by a GP visit and some basic blood tests, so if you have not already done so maybe that would be the first step. If you have been told that your problem is anxiety, and anxiety alone can cause all of the symptoms that you describe, then I guess what you have to work on is believing and accepting that.

04-09-10, 22:27
can i ask alice does the sert not work alone im on 100mg but still get ver anx and shaky tried propanolol but wasnt to good on it the sert doesnt seem to help alone im wondering what i should have with it

04-09-10, 22:50
can i ask alice does the sert not work alone im on 100mg but still get ver anx and shaky tried propanolol but wasnt to good on it the sert doesnt seem to help alone im wondering what i should have with it

Hi Jo, how long have you been taking the 100mg?
Its worked alone for me in the past but this time round I had a major episode last weekend that culminated in a trip to the out of hours GP and that when I was given propanolol. My own GP gave me the olanzapine on Weds as I had not slept more than 2 hours a night for weeks and could not switch off at all. I have no idea if I will have to stay on both drugs or not, or if I will come off the olanzapine once the sertraline are helping more.

I will feed back more when I have been back this coming Weds. Sertraline is used for anxiety disorders alone, I do know that.

04-09-10, 22:55
ive been taking it for nrearly 10 weeks now alice im better than i was i was a mess before but the anx seems to not want to go much i had a few good days then bam back again how long does it take to really kick in

04-09-10, 23:00
I would have thought that after 10 weeks you should be feeling some benefit. Its probably worth going back for a chat with your GP. x

04-09-10, 23:15
ive been told by my cpn to keep takin it and in a few weeks will review but its waitin that long thats the pain

04-09-10, 23:26
It's hard to be patient isn't it!?

04-09-10, 23:36
I am taking a fair bit of medication now, but after trying for months to cope without I really hit rock bottom.
I am taking sertraline, and antidepressant and olanzapine, which helps me sleep and stops the obsessive thoughts. I am also taking propanolol to control the rapid heart beat and shaking. I am seeing my GP weekly at the moment whilst I am stabilising, and I am on the waiting list for CBT through work too.
I found Claire Weeks book, self help for your nerves a really good read and that helped too as do the MIND podcasts.

Have you seen a doctor at all about how you feel. Most illnesses can be ruled out by a GP visit and some basic blood tests, so if you have not already done so maybe that would be the first step. If you have been told that your problem is anxiety, and anxiety alone can cause all of the symptoms that you describe, then I guess what you have to work on is believing and accepting that.

Yes i seen my GP on base and he told me from what i describe that i have a over stimulated sympthatic nervous system and referred me to a psychiatrist to see on the 27th of this month. I have been tested for diabetes twice, had an EKG three times, a echadiogram, heart holter, and MRI on brain all came back normal.

I guess i have problems still questioning whether it really is anxiety/panic still or another health problem. Especially since they are becoming more constant and lasting longer through out the day.

I actually just had a long talk with myself for about 45min telling myself that it is something that i need to accept and fight back instead of letting it become a shock to me and making me feel so horrible all day. It helped but as i was done talking out loud and positive for that long i went back to feeling very weak feeling and, now i am feeling very exhausted. Its hard to lay down thou feeling weak thou.