View Full Version : Is it possible to have an abdominal aortic aneurysm at age 18?

04-09-10, 22:14
Been noticing a strong pulse in my mid stomach region and there is no heart disease running in my family except for the odd heart attack at the age of 90+ years of age. I am a massive hyperchondriac and any little pain I get in my chest or stomach I automatically think of the worst e.g. heart disease or cancer.

I've suffered from anxiety due to stress in my life for the last 7-8 weeks and I think I have possible IBS due to it, I've got a doctors appointment on monday afternoon to ask for some counselling for my anxiety because it's getting to the point where I don't like to go out for a drink or socialise with my friends just because I fear of fainting or something bad happening, totally irrational stuff!

Basically what I am scared of now is having a triple A and I am terrified of it bursting tonight or tomorrow, even though it is highly unlikely I have it, I'm still scared, this is how ridiculous my hyperchonria is.

Please help :(

i posted this in the symptoms section and i am new to this forum, dont shoot me if ive posted it in the wrong bit :)

04-09-10, 22:17
It is totally normal to feel your abdominal aorta pulsing here, especially if you are slim.
It would be odd not to feel it actually considering what a major blood vessel it is!

I hope that reassures you xxx

04-09-10, 22:19
hi alice, thanks very much for the reply, this has sort of made me calmer and made my heart stop racing thank you. ive noticed another thing though, i'm lying down adn when i suck my stomach in (if that makes sense) there is a pain in the centre?

also i wouldn't say i was slim, i'm not overweight but i don't have a 6 pack haha i weigh 70kg and am 5ft10/11


04-09-10, 22:37
everyone can see their heart beat in the stomach - it is normal

04-09-10, 22:40
ok thanks, i was wondering, i went to the doctor for a diabetis check up and had a few blood tests because of my anxiety symptoms and they came back clear (blood count, liver function, kidney function) he also felt around my stomach area and took my heartbeat, would he have found something like this whilst doing that?

04-09-10, 23:06
yes, if he had any concerns he would have acted on them.
Honestly, you will be fine xxx

05-09-10, 10:33
Your GP would have def felt an abdominal aneursym - they are very obvious to Dr's. Also I think its almost unheard of for somone of your age to have one - nearly everyone diagnosed with one is over 40. they have also found that there is a strong genetic link so if your father didn't have one then you are unlikley to get one unless you are a weighlifter or something that puts huge strain on your aorta.

I am very overweight yet even I can feel my pulse in centre!

05-09-10, 19:26
thanks countrygirl, that has made me feel a lot better!

is this information from a GP or because you have had a similar experience to mine?

05-09-10, 20:19
I used to worry about this as i can feel my heartbeat very strongly there and can see it moving sometimes!