View Full Version : chest discomfort

05-09-10, 00:03
hi everyone
i have been suffering from chest discomfort for a few days now sometimes it like a bruised feeling other time it like a stinging sensation and sometime its a burning sensation always mainly in the center of my chest sometime it just above my left breast and underneath, sometime it even feels like it inside my breast but mainly in the center and on left side. it almost constantly there i have notice that it also hurts when i move a particular way which i now is probably muscular related but the the burning/stinging sensation is amost always there in center, i also have alot of upper back pain, sometime it hurts to breath in. i dont feel short of breath but my breathing feels strange i cant explain it and i feel like i have a lump in m throat. i have aching in both arms now and again omg i feel really uncomfortable. i have a strong history of heart disease in my family, youngest was my brother who died at 34 from ischemic heart disease. i have had ECG'S, bloods, x-rays all come back normal im only 22 and starting to get really worried, i have really bad HA over my heart and im starting to freak out :scared15: can anxiety really make you feel this bad, i dont want to go see my doc they dont bother anymore just say it anxiety and i dont really want to go to A&E been there about 7 times in the past 2 month every time im having the same test with the same results, they send me home telling me theres nothing wrong. can any one tell me what heart pain feels like im really scared all my family are telling me theres nothing wrong but they dont understand how uncomfortable it is. any help is much appreciated thank you
zoe x

05-09-10, 00:11
Hi Zoe

This sounds like acid indigestion/reflux to me and that can give chest pains like you describe.

Heart pain is very different. It is a crushing pain in the centre of the chest and the pain can radiate to the neck, jaw or arms

05-09-10, 00:26
thank you very much im just having a really bad time at the moment
zoe x

05-09-10, 00:29
Zoe - you can get some antacid medication from doc for this - I have omeprazole and it does help.

I never imagined the pain in the chest could be indigestion but it was.

I know you are scared cos of the family history - have they given you an ECG at all to reassure you?

05-09-10, 00:37
yes i have had about 6 of them the tell me im fine but they have never said what could be causing the pain, i have had it a long while now on and off but the past few days has been constant. i will see my doctor monday and ask him for some thank you
zoe x

05-09-10, 00:48
It was because you said burning sensation that I thought of indigestion type thing.

Also the lump in the throat I have too and they told me indigestion can cause this as the acid comes up the throat too.

Just my opinions anyway

05-09-10, 08:33
Hi Zoe,

Sorry to hear of your pain, I have suffered from acid reflux for the last few years and it caused me a lot of anxiety firstly about my heart and then a load of other stuff which really confused me. You have done the right thing being tested to rule out heart problems however if like me you still feel very anxious about your symptoms. Do you have trouble after eating or at night when lying down? what types of food are you eating some for me are a real no no llike white bread. The more anxious you become causes tension and this could give you chest muscle pain or you could be suffering from costochondritis (not sure about the spelling sorry) which is atype of inflamation of the joints attached to the ribs. Hope you feel better soon, :)Im sure you will.

Kind Regards Will