View Full Version : waking in the night confused

05-09-10, 09:17
Does any one else so this! wake up during the night really confused or try talking to your partner and it comes out all wrong! Im starting to freak out over it! :( It doesn't happen every night but Im so worried I have something wrong!

Thanks every one xxxx

05-09-10, 12:43
Stress and anxiety could be to blame.

06-09-10, 07:02
This has happened to me. I couldn't get my words out straight and it bothered me for ages. I just put it down to the fact that I wasn't awake enough to be coherant and think straight. Try not to worry.


06-09-10, 10:06
Please don't worry - my husband who doesn't have an anxious bone in his body does this every night when I go to bed. Talks such nonsence that I don't know what he is saying!

06-09-10, 11:44
I wake up confused pretty often, sometimes I don't know where I am for a few seconds. It tends to happen more when I'm going through an anxious patch. I have woken up babbling rubbish before and used to sleep talk as a child. My boyfriend talks nonsense in his sleep and sometimes when he's half awake. He's an anxious person too so maybe that's something to do with it. I think most people do it from time to time. Nothing to worry about :)

Moonlight X