View Full Version : Don't know how to relax

05-09-10, 13:09
I'm a maths teacher, sorry, somebody has to do it, and I love my job. When I'm working, then I feel I am fulfilling a purpose. I work long hours and most evenings. The problem is, that I don't know how to relax when I'm not working. I get fidgety, can't concentrate, get anxious and the thought of going out, socially, makes me feel physically sick. I'm taking Citalapram, and a 2mg dose of Diazepam, each morning. This doesn't seem to do very much, but it's difficult to tell without some sort of comparison. I would, dearly, love to just be at ease and for the anxiety to just drain away. But then who wouldn't. I turned down the opportunity of going on a date, purely because the thought of going on it made me panic. In the end I made an excuse and didn't go. This doesn't make me feel any better, although my date accepted the excuse, and said we could meet up another time.
Part of the problem, seems to be that I'm tired. Tired of working long hours, although I enjoy it, but mostly tired of feeling a freak. Everybody else seems to enjoy time off. I just dread it and feel anxious and lost.
Sorry, to moan, and I'm aware others, on the site have more important problems. But any ideas would be greatfully received.

05-09-10, 13:35

Not much but I hope it helps to hear anothers thoughts,

I'm also unable to relax, I'm a fidget and a ditherer, I'm my own worst enemy! I found over the last few months though that getting some kind of routine, no matter how small helps, for instance my partner and I go for a walk in the evenings after work just for half hour, but it's something.

05-09-10, 14:49
Try doing some exercising, that may help. Or get into something that you can really enjoy. Maybe some kind of a hobby.

05-09-10, 15:45
Well im glad you are not an English teacher cos my grammers crap :blush:

Im the same as you. When im working im ok and have a purpose but when im not then i don't know what to do with myself, it makes me feel very restless and anxious
I think its because i feel that i should be doing other things, socializing etc, all the things that i would like to be able to do i suppose.
I think we need to stop beating ourselves up about what we cant do and maybe pushing ourselves to do one thing a week that is out of our comfort zone, then the rest of the week we can try and relax knowing we are making an effort.
I dont know if this makes any sense to you but i think it applies to me.

05-09-10, 16:46
Have you tried progressive muscle relaxation?
It does work. I tried it last night before i went to sleep and i felt so supple and relaxed even on my first go :)

05-09-10, 17:27
Thanks guys. I think the routine thing is a good idea. When I'm working, there's a regularity to it. When I stop, no routine, so my mind isn't used to doing bugger all. I'll check out the relaxation and, also, try going for a walk, or drive, at the end of the day, to wind down.
Would anyone reccomend upping tablet dosage. I know doctors don't like this, but my medication is quite small. 20mg of Citalipram and 2mg of Diazepam. It would just be good to have a few days without the fretting and physical symptoms.