View Full Version : Weird pain in finger/hand running up to my neck - SCARED

05-09-10, 13:37
Ok, so I went out last night and had a little bit too much to drink. Now I feel absolutley awful but this is not the reason for my post but I thought I'd mention it in case it was related.

I have a really strange tingling/sharp pain which feels like it is just underneath my skin in my nerves maybe.
Its making me feel abit sick if I'm honest. I can't really describe the pain but it is travelling from the ring finger on my left hand, all the way up to my shoulder/neck area. The pain is the worst in the ring finger. Do you think this is anything to get checked out? I've had the feeling before but usually it goes away after a few minutes, however it has stayed for a few hours now.

I'm really worried it might be a brain tumour/stroke/any other brain or neuro disorder including MS.

I had blood tests done a couple of weeks ago and they were all clear as I haven't heard anything back and they said I'd hear within a few days.
I've also recently been to the opticians to have an eye test and she found nothing unusual.
I've been experiencing floaters for some time now also and a few flashing lights in my eye, especially when I'm tired.
I'm going to lay off the alcohol because that obviously isn't helping at all.

Please tell me if any of you have had anything similar or know what this might be...

I'm 21 years old by the way

05-09-10, 21:03
please somebody reply :(

05-09-10, 22:19
I go to a chiropractor and have learned that pinched nerves in the neck can go right down the fingers. Check online for symptoms of vertebraes subluxations symptoms.