View Full Version : Sick Relative Dying

05-09-10, 17:10
I have just realized in the past couple of years that one of my main anxiety and terror triggers are health things. I have had such severe reactions to nearly all medications, been horribly misdiagnosed and treated by the medical community I am rightly highly afraid of it all.

My wife's sister has been critically ill for over 6 years but I the last few months it has been one medical or hospital crisis after another. Even before this I have been in a multiyear anxiety breakdown.

About 4 months ago things really got critical and my wife was spending at least half of each day dealing with doctors, hospitals and nursing homes. So many drugs and procedures that I would have been long dead with my sensitivities.

While I tried to stay out if it all it is in the family and on my mind constantly. Now her sister is in an ICU on life support. She is only alive thought heroic medicine and machines. We are on a moment to moment death watch.

I am so frantic already I can't tell what this is doing to me so I am asking others with health anxiety to tell me how this would affect you.

Thanks for reading
