View Full Version : Bad dreams

05-09-10, 17:12
For the last two weeks i have been having really bad dreams , and last night was very bad they are getting worse each day:weep:. I have not told the crissis team or the doctor i also see a mental health nurse each week . SO scared that if i tell them i will end up in hospital:scared15:. went to see a psychiatrist last week and he just asked me a load of questions which had nothing to do with my depression. its just the dreams are making things much worse.

05-09-10, 17:45
Some things that may cause bad dreams are alcohol, and (mainly) lying in a long time in the morning. And also hormonal times of a persons life. Do any of them relate to you? It could also be the heat. Telling people about your dreams is not a bad idea, they can be a valuable insight into your life at the mo, but looking into them and becoming obsessed would be a bad idea because sometimes they are just random aren't they! Maybe try to have a warm calming drink and read a book before you sleep at night, and make sure your eating and sleeping patterns are normal. Good luck.

05-09-10, 17:53
If youre on an anti depressant they can cause bad dreams. I get them nightly when i take SSRIs.

05-09-10, 19:17
HI Panchogoz and Vixxy thanxs for replying i never drink alcohol and getup for work at 6.00 in the morning every day .I have broken sleep most nights ,i never used to dream at all , nothing that i could remember , but now i have two or three every night that i remember all very bad. I am not on any medication apart from diazipam once in a blue moon . I do realize it has to be connected to what is happening in my life , its just they are so vivid and wont go out of my head .

05-09-10, 20:44
Hi Chris. I have bad dreams every night too. They started when I started taking sertraline. They are so vivid. I can wake up feeling low or scared because of what happened in my dream, it's like I don't even get a chance to wake up and feel relaxed and ready for the day. Don't be scared to tell your doctor and mental health team about your dreams. It is frustrating because there is nothing we can do to stop dreams. It is worth discussing them though as there may be some things that you dream about a lot that are bothering you that you could try to deal with. For example, I used to get a lot of nightmares that I was driving a car or lorry, but as I didn't know how to drive, I felt out of control and terrified. The dreams were so vivid. I decided to start taking driving lessons, not just for this reason, but I no longer have the out of control vehicle related dreams. There may be things in your life that you're not addressing that your dreams are telling you should be addressed. I hope you manage to get some relief because I know how horrible it is.

06-09-10, 20:52
Thanx unspoken , will be seeing mental health team tomorrow i might mention it and see what they have to say . I dont really want to tell them what my dreams are about because it tears me to pieces just thinking about them. i will just see what happens tomorrow when i see them.

11-09-10, 07:11
I, had bad dreams last night and tonight (ive had to wake up from it now because im so upset) I havent been drinking or on medication but as Panchogoz mentioned, Monday Teusday Wednesday I didnt get up untill the afternoon.

Last night I drempt I tas told I had in operable stomach cancer and was dieing but tonight has realy upset me, I dremped I had died and was in my coffin but could see and hear what people where saying, how i died of stomach cancer expirenced my funeral procession and ceramony from my coffin, then the lid was put on top of me and the dreem started and played though again. I then woke up and cant stop crying. I also have an uncomfortable pain in my abdoman so i quite scared as well!!!:weep:
I want to go to the doctors now and get a cancer scan but I realy dont think theyl take me seriously based on a couple of dreams. and the fact in only 24:weep:

11-09-10, 07:26
also jus before i woke up I started to feel chlostophobic in the coffin and realy realy wanted to cry (because my mum wasnt there - she died of cancer some years back) but I couldnt cry because I was dead. I realy didnt want to be dead and tryed to get out my coffin in defiance and i think as itried to move that was the impulse to wake up and get out of bed (as if getting out of a coffin - srtange)