View Full Version : Help please!

05-09-10, 18:54
Hi all,

I'm relatively new to this site.

I have OCD and bad anxiety, currently I'm on Sertraline.

Ive been obsessed for 3 weeks now that I have a brain tumor. I've seen 2 doctors and 2 opticians who carried out numerous test on my eyes and said I'm fine.

I've had symptoms like like-headedness, shooting pains in arm and right side of head, fullness in my right ear.

Tonight I feel really anxious because I have a headache - I rarely get headaches.

I don't think my doctor will refer me for a CT scan bUt I feel like it's the only way I'll stop worrying.

Should I take myself to A&E?

05-09-10, 18:59
My personal opinion about going to A&E is no.

People get headaches all the time and if you have only had it today then I don't think it warrants a hospital visit to be honest.

Maybe see the doc tomorrow and ask if it could be your sinuses causing the headache and ear fullness

05-09-10, 19:04
I wanted to add something else...

Is the headache a splitting pain that is unbearable - if so then maybe call NHS direct and see what they say.

If it is just a normal headache then have you tried some paracetamol?

05-09-10, 19:15
No, it's a "normal" headache but I'm scared that it's the beginning of brain tumor headaches and I read that is when it's got really bad.

Desite all this, I'm a fairly rational person! I just can't get my head around this!!!