View Full Version : Please help me

Fly away Katie
05-09-10, 20:10
I'm crying my eyes out as I type this. Not though pain, but through FEAR.
I'm am so fed up of having everything wrong with me. Of waking up wondering what the day will bring, and what will happen to me.

Im SO scared at the moment.
Ive been having wind pains really bad for about a week now. Its not new to me. Ive suffered them in the past aswell. But now the 'wind pains' if thats what they are have settled into my right of my tummy.. and you know that im afraid of dont you.... the dreaded appendix problems.

I have an absolute PHOBIA of developing appendicitis.. and have done for years. And now it feels like its slowley coming true.

I have had pain in the right before, that i went to the docs with and he said it was nothing, and it did go!! And i never thought it would come back.. but it has.

Has anyone else had pain in the lower right abdomen before?? s this part of innocent IBS? Im so scared its my appendix. Ive been reassured by my family and boyfriend thats its just painful trapped wind. (cus it does ease after the loo) but im such a worrier, that its ruining me. Im sitting here on edge.

PLEASE can someone reassure me? Imnot in any pain right now, and its not even that severe. Its just kinda annoying. and im due on my period aswell.

Lots of love Katie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-09-10, 20:15
When you get windy pain try kneeling down, leaning over something like the side of your bed, I used to find that would help wind along! (I used to have toilet issues until I started citalopram, when I was left with no choice but to go!)

05-09-10, 20:16
Hi Katie,

I know how you feel things do seem 100 times worse with HA, all I can say is once a month before my period I get a very sharp pain in my right side where my tube is and it is very painful sometimes we are sensitive down there, I have had since i was young and it always comes on before my period.

So could be that or just trapped wind like you said either way if it was appendicitis it would be getting worse and worse hun.

Hope you feel better soon

Jo xxx :hugs:

05-09-10, 20:21
Katie, aww you poor thing. :hugs:
I don't know if this will help or not but my son recently had his appendix removed and the pain he had was very central, around his belly button. The pain did radiate to the right but was mostly central.
The pains got worse rapidly, were constant and did not ease at all.
I think yours is wind or maybe your periods? I know it's an easy thing to say, but please try not to worry babe. Dry your tears.

Take care of you

Deb xx

05-09-10, 21:21
My son had a grumbling appendix for 5 years and he got severe episodes of pain centred around his tummy button - he also got rebound pain when right side was pressed inside hip bone and he was vomiting as well. He had 3 hospital visits where they said if it doens't settle by tomorow we operate but it always settled after about 10 hrs but they were certain it was appendix because the blood test showed raised white cells. His last attack the hospital Dr said enough you are having it out and they operated next day by which time he was fine again but it was slightly inflamed so was once again returning to normal.
Every attack he had he was literally rolling round the floor in agony being sick so you would know.
If you are really stressing then next time you get the pain beg your Dr for a blood test to put your mind at rest re appendix as its very unlikey you would have appendicitis and a normal white cell count.

05-09-10, 21:55
Interesting Jo, I get this as well with my periods. Always on the right side, never the left.

05-09-10, 21:57
I am menopausal now, but I would get them mid cycle on the right side too. Other women told me the same thing. It is the ovary releasing the egg. It is kind of a little burst happening and we feel it.

05-09-10, 22:40
Yeah it is weird i have had it for years and always before my period glad it's not just me thought i was weird lol xxx

Fly away Katie
06-09-10, 08:36
Thank you for all of your replies. I do feel reassured that other women have pain in the right side too around their periods. Just had a horrible strong pain (almost like wind) right in the low centre.... Can that be p.pain aswell? :'(

06-09-10, 10:55
Hi - I get some really bad pains from IBS in the lower sides of my tummy (can be either side with me).

I also watched my sister suffer with her appendix last year. She was fine in the morning, had some pain by the afternoon & then by the evening she was in agony. No let up - she couldn't speak for the pain & was literally writhing on the sofa with the discomfort. She also started vomiting. So, I think if it was your appendix, you would definitely know about it!

Fly away Katie
06-09-10, 18:31
Ahhhh ok, well I havent been sick in years. And I can talk .... and I drove perfectly today.. It just kinda twinges sometimes. And I get wind.. maybe its IBS x x x x