View Full Version : Please help, lightheadedness I can't take it anymore

06-09-10, 08:31
Hey all,
hate to be melodramatic but I'm convinced I'm dying, from a brain tumor or anerysm, my head is just not normal in the last week it's gettin progessievely worse, this lightheaded vibrating buzzy feeling the one u get the send before u faint, just consumes my head, it's got so bad last thurs\fri I could barely walk swaying I felt half drunk and on Thursday night this feeling got me so scared a panic attack happened... And boy did I feel twice as worse, I went to hospital that night for my head but they were mire concerned with my bp and heart I get very bad sinus tachycardia when I panic, they made me stay so they could observe my heartrate and they gave me Valium ignoring my complaints on why I went in there for my head, saying it was just anxiety... I had the anxiety attack because of the head thing... Dr cane in asked me to put my chin on my chest and since I could declared it wasn't an anersym or brain bleed as ppl affected can't do this. They let me go 7 hrs later heartrate and bp fine but my head just as lightheaded buzzy viby and me being very unsteady on my feet, the Friday I went to my dr as small country hospitals r really next to useless, she said I might have an imbalance in my head.. Still feeling awful I got slightly better over the weekend lo n behold last night I woke up with the most scary head feeling every I could barely think all on the left side inside my head was lightheaded buzzy and viby feeling... I thought to myself this is it I'm done for I'm dying... I'm surely dying I've never experienced in my head so scary... I did have a slight headache that side of my head but it was very slight and was gone when I woke up replaced my that awful feeling... I'm so afraid I can't esscape this feeling... I'm sure something is wrong.. This is different from other lightheadedness I've had before... Has anyone experienced anything so debilitating,
also noticed feeling is worse if I'm lying down and my head is lying on a pillow, also certain noises can make it worse...
And if I'm pressing on my skull or scratching my head...
I must be dying i have to go back to the drs and get a ct scan because she's not sure it's anxiety I'm so scared to go to sleep, I've never thought I was gonna die so much as I did then.
Any words will be welcome
thank u

06-09-10, 08:34
Mostly the feeling is concentrated around the base of my head, however today it's in the front and sides

06-09-10, 09:51
Hi there,

Firstly, you need to breath! Hyperventilating will make you really lightheaded. I get it a lot (also have a fear of brain tumors) and when i just sit down, tell myself to breath and be calm, it slowly subsides.

I've had 2 doctors and 2 opticians tell me there is nothing wrong with me but I'm still so scared. When I panic, i get a burning/tingling feeling at the back of my head which makes me panic more. It's a vicious cycle.

Try to just take deep breaths and do something calming.


06-09-10, 13:56
Thanks for the reply, when I tried to breathe slower it made me more lightheaded and that's when I I had my panic attack it usally works but hasn't been lately.

Lou 1
06-09-10, 14:04
Hey, i've been feeling really similar to this lately. My head just feels so weird! The only way to describe how i feel is - when ur in the sea and the waves come at you and make u bob up and down.. well thats how i feel.. like im really wavy! I also have occasions where i feel really dizzy too, like the room is spinning, the same kind of feeling you get when you've had too much to drink. I saw my gp and he's referred me to an ENT specialist!
Mine started a year ago and has been on and off, but recently seems to be happening more frequently.

06-09-10, 23:40
if its tumour or sumthing like that u wouldnt get it all over your head, it would be specifically to one side. you'd get intense headaches and you would be having fits. You would aos have memory loss, numbness for prolonged periods of time in hands for example. Anything wrong in the brain you would seriously know about hun. This sounds exactly like what i had back in february. I was carted off to A&E due to severe dizziness wherei couldnt see or walk. I was bed ridden and crying constantly thinking i was dying. I had burning scalp and vibrations running through the top of my head and the sides behind my ears. It was terrifying to say the least.

I had a ct scan, and guess what.......it was completely clear. Nothing wrong atall. And from that day, I have never had a single head symptom! Ok maybe a couple from worrying/anxiety/panicing, but i know now its just anxiety and nothing serious so i dont get in a state about it and it just goes away! The mind is an extremely powerful thing hun, uve got to realise this, its sooo powerful. It does make u feel like ur dying, especially when the symtposms are so physically intense and scary and real. But honestly, i think your fine, its subconciously on your mind all the time even when u dont realise it. Have ur scan and let us know how u got on. Try not to worry. x

07-09-10, 14:12
Thanks for the words :), I'm slowly getting better one step at a time touch wood