View Full Version : Waking in the night and can't sleep

06-09-10, 11:21
Does anyone else have bad problems in staying asleep once they drop off?

I find I can go to sleep within 10 mins of turning the light off, I usually have a bad dream within 10 mins of being sleep and wake with a jolt (not sure how I can dream so fast).

Then on and off all night I am waking up and laying there for ages then dozing again. I am just so tried as it's been going on for months. I am getting no more than about 4 or 5 hours a night at the moment and it's making me feel ill. I feel queasy all the time through lack of sleep, hungover (I don't drink) and generally weepy and bad tempered.

I've tried sleeping tablets which sometimes help me sleep but leave me feeling just as tired the next day if not more so because of the drugged up side effects

06-09-10, 11:37
im the same but i have started taking cipralex so i am not sure if this is why. I know for the first 4 nights i couldnt sleep without taking sleeping tablets. I can fall asleep without now but it takes ages at times and then i wake and cant get back off.
horrid isnt it?
sarah x