View Full Version : worried about dehydration feeling

06-09-10, 11:22
Hi everyone

Ive been so stupid and googled. I dont even know how it happened. One minute I was reading some stuff on the net and the next thing im looking at this horrifying powerpont presentation on adrenal gland deficiency and then OMG the hiv thing came out and yet again the bottom has dropped out of my world again.

For those of you who havent been unlucky enough to hear me go on about this already, i am chroniically afraid that I have hiv and that although i have been tested five times, a big part of me beleives that the negative results are wrong and that maybe the strain i have cant be picked up by the tests the NHS use and i am always finding 'symptoms' happening to me that support my fears.

Well this has upset me.

Can anyone please help me to get through this one

Can you tell me if you have any of the following...

- Increased urination , like whenever you drink anything you need to wee quites soon after
- Bouts of tiredness and lethargy.
- random feeling sick and loosing appetitie for no reason
- light darkening of freckles
- Cant sleep deeply and remember loads of dreams
- feeling dehydrated a lot and sometimes like a hangover when you havent drank any alcohol
- Feel like getting a flu which goes away the next day.

Sorry to go on , i just am so worried again today

Thanks so much


06-09-10, 11:37
Lisa, I too had a constant fear of HIV. I think you need to start thinking 'what evidence is there that I have it?' and 'in reality how is hiv spread?' A lot of your symptoms fit under anxiety eg. losing appetite, can't sleep.. IAlso if u have hiv you get flu symptoms that are PERSISTANT.. they don't just disappear the next day. When u think about urinating a lot, u seem to need to want to go more often because you're thinking about it! What happpens when your busy or occupied.. do u still feel the need to go more often? When we look for symptoms we are more likely to notice every little feeling and blow it out of proportion. Hope this helps!! xxx

06-09-10, 14:42
Thanks Vic

yes i know that i have blown symtoms out of proportion in the past definately. But with this I just cant stop thinking it.

I know that these things all happen with anxiety but i just feel that they have been happening sp often and fos so long and so constant that there is something else really really wrong with me and all the stuff i have read in the past describes hiv:weep: Its so distressing.

Does anyone else get any of my symptoms?


06-09-10, 14:50
What I found all those years ago when I had a HIV fear was that you can put practically any symptom into google and it will bring up HIV because the symptoms are so varied.

I get all of these things and I don't ahve HIV and I am certain you don't too if you've tested neg five times!

Is there some reason in partic you think you have HIV? For instance someone you slept with you think has HIV?

06-09-10, 14:52
- Increased urination , like whenever you drink anything you need to wee quites soon after
- Bouts of tiredness and lethargy.
- random feeling sick and loosing appetitie for no reason
- Cant sleep deeply and remember loads of dreams
- feeling dehydrated a lot and sometimes like a hangover when you havent drank any alcohol
- Feel like getting a flu which goes away the next day.

I get all those feelings quite often and I am fairly confident that I don't have HIV. Big hugs to you xxx