View Full Version : Feeling rubbish and so annoyed with myself!

06-09-10, 11:58
Hi All...

Feeling crappy today and had a bad day yesterday. This week I've been struggling with the return of my anxiety and panic attacks. I've been taking the Bach's RR with only small effect and trying to keep myself busy which helps, however I just can't shake this irrational fear inside me and out of body feeling. God, I hate it and am so frustrated with myself.

I had been off Cipralex for 3 months and now I really feel I am going to have to restart it because I have tried so hard to deal with this without success.

Just wanted to vent.xxxxxx:weep:

06-09-10, 12:06
Hi debs, you were kind to me the other night and I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. Not much to offer, if you feel you need to go back on the meds, do it and try not to worry about it, but mainly have a :hugs:

06-09-10, 12:11
Thanks Jane, I really appreciate your kind words. I think I will go back on the meds as it is not worth the further anxiety of fighting without any joy. Thanks for the hug too.xx

06-09-10, 23:35
Hi Deps71!!!
How are you?? The other day you were so strong!!! Your words really helped me and i combined the cipralex and the rescue remedy(Bach's) and i think that they will work. This maybe help me to get off the cipralex finally.
If you don't feel well got o your doctor and have a discussion with him/her. I have been on and off for 3.5 years now. And whenever I wasn't ok I was startin all over again. This is my fourth time starting cip and always has worked for me. Please don't lose your energy and faith. It doesn't worth to suffer when you can be fine with your meds. I know you want to get off them as much as I do but what I really know is that I want to live my life without anxiety and fear no matter what, even if I have to take my meds.
Please let me know how you are!!!!