View Full Version : A few things...

06-09-10, 12:06
Hi guys

I didn't want to post 3 or 4 new threads but I have a few things I want to talk about, maybe you guys can help or offer advice? No one I know seems to understand.

Basically my anxiety seems to be getting worse and I think it's because I feel like no one actually cares. My GP referred me to a specialist because she thinks I have PCOS but the specialist done nothing, he said that because my symptoms weren't bothering me then it wasn't really important - but he didn't actually care about the panic attacks or anything he just kept going on about my contraception & periods. No those things don't bother me but the point is I just wanted to know if thats whats caused my anxiety.... So if I go back to my GP what happens? These past few days I've been wishing they would just medicate me and I could get on with life without worrying about dying every half hour. My GP referred me to a mental health nurse too who was no help whatsoever and has booked me on a stress control course - going to give it a go but really don't think it will help.

Another thing is that every day I worry my symptoms are real and not part of the anxiety. I have been to my doctor about my breasts because the left one felt really strange, much fuller than normal and it was sore a lot.. the pain sort of starts behind the breast, underneath it too, and I get pains down my left arm (usually this starts the "omg heart attack" worry too), and I just ache in that area. (Like right now it hurts from the elbow up to my shoulder on the front of the arm, and my neck hurts on that side too). My doc examined my breast and wasn't concerned/didn't feel any lumps or anything, told me to take ibuprofen and keep a note of when my breast hurts and when my period is because it could just be my cycle affecting it - but why would my arm & neck hurt? I just want to stop thinking about it but I can't! Feel like I'm going insane and have no idea how to stop convincing myself I'm dying. Sometimes wish I was so that this worrying would be over :sad:

How do you stop yourself from thinking about illnesses you think you have, and what do I say to my GP when I go back? And how do I know I'm not actually ill???? I keep thinking I have breast cancer, or some other type of cancer causing all the symptoms. I also think that all the worrying will end up causing the heart attack that I always think I'm about to have. I'm really overweight so obviously that makes me even more paranoid that it's going to happen. I even start to visualise things like my own funeral or what my family would do, how I would be found, all that really morbid stuff. My symptoms feel real but are they? Are they just part of the panic? Am I going insane?? This is so horrible :weep: hoping someone can help.

Thanks x

06-09-10, 17:49
Sorry, I have no advice for you at the mo (feeling tired after a very anxious filled day) but I wanted to know that people do care - so I am bumping your post to the top in hope that someone can help - hang in there :hugs:

06-09-10, 20:02
Hi, The only thing that calmed me down with regards not thinking everything is a serious illness is cbt therapy, it changed the way I think about aches and pains. My chest is a big issue for me as im in constant pain in my chest and upper abdomen-again cbt helped,another thing I did was to educate myself about the heart,heart attacks and the general functions of the heart (got booklets from british heart foundation-not google), although I do still worry quite a lot about my chest pains im nowhere as near as bad as i was. I hope this helps you in some way. Oh and as above there are lots of people that care including all of us on here Ipersonally think that a part of anxiety is feeling alone and having thoughts that people couldn't care less....but it is just a thought.
Take care

06-09-10, 21:22
your symptoms are all panic symtoms hun.
i also have pcos and its really common- the pill can help out with it and losing weight too.
my advice would be to start an exercise program and hang out here in the forums for moral support and to see all the other weird and wonderful symtoms and things we all deal with here.
when i get the numbness in my left arm it actually makes me feel relief because i know that its only panic so then i think oh well.. the rest of my symptoms must be panic too!
stay strong and we are all here helping each other

10-09-10, 10:23
Hi, thanks for your replies. Chai I'm on the pill but the doctor wants me to come off it and try the implant. I have been going to the gym but these past few weeks I've missed it as I feel like life is rushing by and I never have a minute to do anything - but in reality I'm doing nothing. Does that make sense???

I will try to come to the forums more often I don't have a lot of time to reply but I've been reading a lot of the posts etc.

thanks again x