View Full Version : Anxiety back big time

06-09-10, 12:52
Recentlly had a cold for over 4 weeks now, an i am now worried of underlying health problems due to not been able to shift it!!! Not a major cold just a slight cough and runny blocked nose with fevers, have been told some colds are just harder to shift, but after going on the weighing scales and notice i lost 3ilbs in one week i am constantly checking google for unexplained weight loss even nasal cancer sites!! Help!! Dont want to go to doctors as i kicked that habit 3 months ago!!! Help!!!:weep:

06-09-10, 17:54
Losing weight when you are anxious is common so dont worry - I have lost over a stone in 4 weeks. Colds can take months! I bet nearly every person on here has had a cold/flu/fever that lasted longer than 4 weeks...in fact my son pretty much had a cold for the whole of last winter. You'll be fine but a trip to the docs to get some antibotics may help shift the germs.