View Full Version : Always on the right...

06-09-10, 15:35

I'm Nicole and I have a "tumor obsession" (AA anonymous style).

I always feel pain and discomfort on my right side (usually face); heaviness in ear, sharp pains in right temple, jaw aches, sharp pains in arm/hand.

Does anyone else have targeted areas like this? This makes it especially hard to believe that it's "just anxiety". I've now started getting headaches with are a) tumor related or b) stress related because of thinking so much (constantly) about a.

2 doctors and 2 opticians later...and I'm no better and starting to loose the plot.

Doctors again tomorrow. This has got out of control.

Thoughts appreciated,


Lou 1
06-09-10, 15:57
Hi Nicole,

I am the same as you but its always on my left. I get pains in the back of my head on the left side that runs into my neck and i get pains above my left eye and in my left temple.
I also get buzzing and slight defness in my left ear.

My doctor tells me the pain is tension and the reason it could be on just one side is perhaprs posture related.
It might sound strange but when you are tense you (withou being aware of it) could be tensing one side more than the other.
Just a suggestion!

Hugs xx

06-09-10, 16:18
Yeah it could be that. I've just come back from the dentist for a check-up and my teeth on the right side are absolutely killing me! Probably wasn't a wise decision to get a check-up when I'm in this state.

Glad to hear it's not just me!


06-09-10, 16:21
I just wrote something similar about my right hand side in the "tumour freak out" thread.

06-09-10, 16:23
Yeah I'm really unbalanced towards my right side... numb face on right, pain in right shoulder and right side of neck. When walking I feel like I pull to the right.

I can't believe this is all muscle tension, I feel constantly ill, all of the time.


Lou 1
06-09-10, 16:59
Gareth.. This may sound silly but try having a massage, particualry a sports one or a deep massage.

Along with anxiety, things like trapped nerves or tensed muscles can cause numbness, pains in the shoulders and neck!
My gp told me this before referring me for physiotherapy.. (who advised me to have sports massages, and do silly exercises)

I suffer badly with pains in the left side of my head, neck and shoulder.... a massage really did releive a lot of the pain for me, i find it hard to beelive its tesion too so i know how u feel


06-09-10, 17:44
Hi Nicole,

I haven't read all your replies, so hopefully you are reassured by now.
However once I couldn't feel the left side of my body - well I could but it felt heavy/numb. Pains in arm and chest, heavy like pains.. this went on for three years (my arm sensation actually carried on longer and I still get it from time to time). I thought I was dying, I was so weak from it all.

Well I am still here 15 years later, after that dreadful time, in and out of Doctors surgerys, lots of scans etc, rushing myself to A&E. It came to the point that I was so tired of it all, so fedup that I kinda accepted any fate heading my way. I eventually got better at that point. Hope this makes sense, as having a 'down' day myself at mo