View Full Version : So scared! What is this?....

06-09-10, 16:39

I have a MRI booked tomorrow of the head and neck. I'm so scared that it will show I have some form of cancer (my biggest fear) this is yet another test for my ongoing worry - having the feeling of something in my throat. I've had Naso Endoscopy, ultrasound, bloods taken, still awaiting results of a Barium Swallow (worried sick) and I need to have a chest x ray tomorrow too.

Today my feeling feels like a big ball of phlegm that won't swallow, it's almost as though I can feel it dripping down a bit but it's stuck. The GP thinks I'm a nutcase but I don't care. I will push for every test going. I just can't accept that's it's Globus Hystericus.

When this all started in April. I did have the typical symptoms of GH; however the tightness I don't have anymore, the feeling of pressure below the Adams apple I don't get anymore either. I had the feeling of something 'lodged' then it moved to the right side and all my problems are on the right side.

Now it feels like a ball of slim, slight pain on right side of chest - not constant, just now and then. I also feel like there is something 'stuck' in my chest. Can feel it in my back too. What is this? So scared. I know MRI will show up cancer and I'm so scared. No panic attacks though - thankfully. I'm scared it's lymphoma?? I stupidly google to read survivors symptoms. None like what I have but never say never. I'm sick of living like this. I'm on Omeprazole for reflux (silent LPR) as I have no GERD/reflux symptoms. I take diazepam when I'm feeling bad but that's it.

Thanks for reading
