View Full Version : Tired of my anxiety

06-09-10, 16:56
I'm not sure whether this will help but I don't have anyone who lives close who even remotely understands this and it's really starting to get to me.

I'm 27 and I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder a little over 6 years ago which had led to agoraphobia. After much struggling with the idea my anxiety could possibly manifest itself in this way and getting over some terrible therapy (which made it worse) a lovely doctor finally persuaded me to try citalopram.

I took 20mg for 3.5 years and it worked. I stopped when I became pregnant with my daughter (now 2) and all seemed to be ok until the past 6 months or so.

I'm having anxiety attacks that last all day. It's turning into health anxiety too - I was convinced I had a heart problem due to pains and, even though my doctor told me it was the anxiety, I still ended up in A&E having an ECG a month ago. Now it's headaches. I *know* these are due to this disorder but it's difficult to convince myself of that sometimes.

I've been re-prescribed citalopram but I keep putting off taking it. I don't want it, or rather I'm scared. Ridiculous as I've taken it before but I'm starting a new job this week and cannot have the initial period when I'm starting this. My new doctor is terrible. Doesn't care about helping put my mind at ease, basically gave me the citalopram and said, 'report back to me in a month. off you go'

I don't know how to convince myself of a good time to start them and I don't know how to cope in the meantime. I know *I* need to be the one to do this but I feel so alone

06-09-10, 17:48
Hi and welcome to the site!
First off, you are NOT alone!
There are loads of people here who understand and will support you!
I was wondering if there is any way for you to go back to the doc that you really liked?
Sounds like your new one isn't very sympathetic!
You are right in that you have to decide about the meds.

Congrats on the new job tho :)

06-09-10, 18:20
Thank you for your response and congratulations on the new job :)

Unfortunately I moved 400 miles away a few years ago and haven't been able to find a new doctor who is even close to my old one (she'd had an anxiety disorder herself in her younger days so really understood).

I am hoping to be able to control my anxiety until October when I have a week off (school holidays) but I'm unsure whether that is putting too much on myself.

I have an appointment with a nurse at the surgery tomorrow (something unrelated) but think I will ask her advice as she's been helpful in the past.

Thank you again for responding, it helps knowing there are people who understand

06-09-10, 18:30
where are you from thousands suffer with this but we all get better and so will you

07-09-10, 18:40
Thank you.

I have an appointment with my GP next week. The nurse I spoke to today was (as always) lovely and she did persuade me to make another appointment with him.

Fingers crossed he's more helpful than last time :(

07-09-10, 19:39
Hi :) , i am sorry to hear you are feeling this way.

have you read any self help books for anxiety? if you haven't then i can't recommend these two enough.



the Claire Weekes book is very old now but still an absolute gem and the fact that it is still so popular now is testament to its greatness!

the second one is still very new but in my opinion will become the new "anxiety bible" over time. It takes a similar approach to the Claire Weekes books just is far more up to date and thorough. It's my honest opinion that if you follow everything in this book and put the time in you can't help but be cured from your anxiety.

Please check them out, you won't regret it!

good luck :)

Hazel B
07-09-10, 19:43
Ask the kind nurse or practice manager if there is a more sympathetic doctor if you don't feel you are being cared for next time.
You are not alone, you will get better.