View Full Version : Can I work through this???

06-09-10, 17:02

Not posted on here for a while, as i have been trying to recover from an awful episode of high anxiety due to increase in meds. I will give a brief (if possible lol) account of my history.
I suffered a loss in late pregnancy about 11 years ago, which brought on depression and anxiety, i struggled through until i had my second baby and was then diagnosed with PND, it was awful, extrememly depressed thought i was going mad, i was treated with seroxat and although a lot better, still suffered with anxiety, then five years later had my little boy, again diagnosed with pnd and high anxiety, treated with sertraline 50mg and had counselling, so understood the condition more, eventually recovered and had 4 very happy years, small blips here and there but nothing major, anyway about 3 months ago, i had a panic attack out of the blue, not suffered for years, body shaking, dizziness, feelings of terror and dread, which in turn triggered my anxiety again, i went from happy, living a completely normal and happy life, to frozen with anxiety that my depression had come back, very tearful, couldnt sleep, knots in stomach, feelings of dread, loss of appietite, etc... tried counselling through work, as stress at work i think initially triggered this, plus trying to give up smoking and normal money worries (but hve been through much worse) after about a month i knew it wasnt lifting, had time off work, turned into a wreck, felt i couldnt do anything, docs increased my sertraline to 100mg, worse thing ever, literally thought i was losing my mind, severe panic attacks, couldnt bear myself, felt as though i didnt exist etc.. even ringing mental health ward to say i was losing my mind, went to emergency docs, who said it was the increase and to drop back down to my 50mg, it was that bad i had to be give lorizapam to calm me. Anyway dropped back down, felt like a shell of my normal self, completely despairing, couldnt understand how all this had happened, was very depressed the first couple of weeks of dropping back. Anyway eventually my appietite came back, i had lost a stone and half, sleep became easier, knots in stomach wearing off etc.. went on holiday for two weeks, felt the depression lifting, but the fear was still there, but managed to switch it off sometimes, think it was the fear of the panic attacks coming back, came back from hols, with flu, felt the weight of depression as soon as we drove onto the drive and very anxious, then went back to work the next week, which although had hot flashes of fear and low mood, did enjoy and felf relief that i was slowly getting back to normal. That was last week, over the weekend my anxiety appeared again, two mornings early wakening with that horrible dread and fear feeling, tears and low mood, but carrying on with normal day to day. I am due back in work again tomorrow, i have woken this morning without the dread, just anxious, but keep having feelings of what i think is depression washing over me and the fear of the mind chatter coming back , i just feel like everything is grey, somethings not right or scary. Does this make sense to anyone? can i work through this without having to change my meds (still on the original 50mg sertraline) will it just take time? i have been out today for childrens school uniform, not anxious, just low and uneasy, eaten my lunch, ironed, looked after kids etc... is what i am suffering depression? Just wondered if anybody had any advise or reassurance for me? thank for taking the time to read, sorry so long lol !
lynne x

06-09-10, 17:13
Forgot to add, i was refered to mental health physcotherapis dept at my local hospital, i had the intial appointment last monday, (dont know whether this set me off again) and their conclusion is i have suffered a high anxiety episode, which has been triggered by stress and fear of reoccuring depression, and i have been referred for CBT, which surprise surprise has a 6 months waiting list ! x

06-09-10, 17:42

Not posted on here for a while, as i have been trying to recover from an awful episode of high anxiety due to increase in meds. I will give a brief (if possible lol) account of my history.
I suffered a loss in late pregnancy about 11 years ago, which brought on depression and anxiety, i struggled through until i had my second baby and was then diagnosed with PND, it was awful, extrememly depressed thought i was going mad, i was treated with seroxat and although a lot better, still suffered with anxiety, then five years later had my little boy, again diagnosed with pnd and high anxiety, treated with sertraline 50mg and had counselling, so understood the condition more, eventually recovered and had 4 very happy years, small blips here and there but nothing major, anyway about 3 months ago, i had a panic attack out of the blue, not suffered for years, body shaking, dizziness, feelings of terror and dread, which in turn triggered my anxiety again, i went from happy, living a completely normal and happy life, to frozen with anxiety that my depression had come back, very tearful, couldnt sleep, knots in stomach, feelings of dread, loss of appietite, etc... tried counselling through work, as stress at work i think initially triggered this, plus trying to give up smoking and normal money worries (but hve been through much worse) after about a month i knew it wasnt lifting, had time off work, turned into a wreck, felt i couldnt do anything, docs increased my sertraline to 100mg, worse thing ever, literally thought i was losing my mind, severe panic attacks, couldnt bear myself, felt as though i didnt exist etc.. even ringing mental health ward to say i was losing my mind, went to emergency docs, who said it was the increase and to drop back down to my 50mg, it was that bad i had to be give lorizapam to calm me. Anyway dropped back down, felt like a shell of my normal self, completely despairing, couldnt understand how all this had happened, was very depressed the first couple of weeks of dropping back. Anyway eventually my appietite came back, i had lost a stone and half, sleep became easier, knots in stomach wearing off etc.. went on holiday for two weeks, felt the depression lifting, but the fear was still there, but managed to switch it off sometimes, think it was the fear of the panic attacks coming back, came back from hols, with flu, felt the weight of depression as soon as we drove onto the drive and very anxious, then went back to work the next week, which although had hot flashes of fear and low mood, did enjoy and felf relief that i was slowly getting back to normal. That was last week, over the weekend my anxiety appeared again, two mornings early wakening with that horrible dread and fear feeling, tears and low mood, but carrying on with normal day to day. I am due back in work again tomorrow, i have woken this morning without the dread, just anxious, but keep having feelings of what i think is depression washing over me and the fear of the mind chatter coming back , i just feel like everything is grey, somethings not right or scary. Does this make sense to anyone? can i work through this without having to change my meds (still on the original 50mg sertraline) will it just take time? i have been out today for childrens school uniform, not anxious, just low and uneasy, eaten my lunch, ironed, looked after kids etc... is what i am suffering depression? Just wondered if anybody had any advise or reassurance for me? thank for taking the time to read, sorry so long lol !
lynne x

Imagine in your head there are two balls, a red ball and blue ball. Each ball when picked up acts in a different way. The red ball can 'only' act negatively and the blue ball can 'only' act positively. It is 'impossible' for either ball to act in any other way, the same way that it impossible for you to hear music with your eyes.

Now imagine that before you do anything like move, speak, think,walk, breath anything that involves you taking some sort of action these two balls appear in your head.

Now before moving forward with your chosen action the brain requires you to pick one ball. There is no choice in this game nature has designed you to pick one or the other. But don't worry no one ball is harder to lift , each ball is lifted as simply as the other, 'with ease' , its simple 'you pick', 'you get'!!!

The problem with anxiety is that it makes you feel you are unable to have a choice in this game, which couldn't be more wrong. 'Understand' that your emotions, senses, brain and body were designed to work with and protect you ,they are your closest Allies. There is nothing on this planet that is more able to give you what you require to have a good natural life!!!

So once you choose which ball you want the brain instructs the body to act in the way you have chosen. The brain doesn't care which choice you make it doesn't hold grudges against you it does exactly what you tell it to do 100% of the time, it responds to your commands and yours only!!!

This is not a joke or just a guess, it is fact!!! For example i am unable to flick a pen across the room unless i choose to. The pen will go no where unless i pick it up and throw it!!!

You may think that you are not able to follow this information or use it but the fact is that you just have, maybe without even knowing. Every single thing you do, absolutely everything no matter how small from blinking , crying, smiling, dancing, reading, reading each single word, with each individual letter that you read, your brain makes a decision, a choice and then tells the body how to respond to that choice.

These choices can happen without us even knowing these choices are called instinct. A choice that you have previously made is stored as a memory the more memories you store the more instinctive the task becomes. Once a task you have seen before arises a choice of options appear in your brain some are negative some are positive each one holds the feelings and emotions that you felt the last time and all the other times that this task appeared.

So basically what i'm trying to say is that the way you feel is chosen by you, nothing else can make that choice, only you. Remember one ball [choice] is no harder to choose than the other like lifting your right or left arm they both respond on your command.

With anxiety these two balls [choices] appear in some cases every second of everyday so much so you find it hard to choose so often. This is because you are not really choosing!!! in fact you are stalling the choice process and if you don't choose quick enough the brain responds for you in 'one way' only to protect you.

If you pick a hot plate up while not paying attention your brain gives you a split second to choose if this is 'really' want you want to be holding if you don't 'respond' it will assume you would want to make the same choice as last time and drop the plate, yet it is clearly possible to hold a hot plate for as long as you choose, say some one offered a million pounds to you to hold it you would right?, and as long as with each time a choice appeared in your brain you chose 'yes' to keep holding the plate, it cannot be dropped!!!

So to overcome any anxiety or fear simple choose the 'blue positive ball' once the choice is made your body does the rest and responds once again to your command to give you exactly what you need to deal with your choice, big or small!! The most important thing is to CHOOSE, don't pretend to actually do it!!!

Its so important to remember that you may be confronted with these choices
many many times before you feel safe enough to not choose and allow your brain to simple do it for you!!! It needs to no for certain that without question this will always be the choice you want to make in order to protect you!!!
Once it nows this it wont ask you again!!

If you only choose 'positive' you 'cannot' feel 'negative' it is impossible the only way this can happen is when the choice appears again you choose the wrong one or don't choose!!! Its so simple pick and stick!

You cannot feel anxious unless you choose to trust me!!! Choose positively every time your asked and you will be cured from the moment you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-09-10, 14:01
Thanks for your reply choices,

Just wondered if anyone else has any advice?