View Full Version : anxiety relapse or parkinsons?

06-09-10, 19:30
Well, it has been a few months since I have needed the support of NMP. I thought I was better, and then slowly over the last couple of weeks, it has crept back.

I have had bad shoulders and neck muscles for over a year and see an Osteo every month. In fact it was this that sparked my first round with HA when i was convinced I had Rhematiod Athritis...then MS

Now, I am convinced I have Parkinsons. My mum has this and she has neck and shoulder problems with it.....

I have also starting jerking again...mostly my hands, wrists and fingers especially at night..

I feel desperate, either because of Parkinsons or because, if its not, then I am right back there with the anxiety...I can't bear the thought of either.

PLease help me stop this

06-09-10, 19:46
Your not alone, i have been feeling so much better recently, so much so i was actually cocky enough to think id got over HA. Instead i have gone from worrying constantly about my heart to now worrying about various cancers. Although today my hand went a bit weak and because of all the panic feelings i was convinced it was a stroke.

In the past when ive been in bed i have suffered fro jerking of the legs and arms. My GP told me that it was due to muscles being extremely tense and not been given the chance to release the tension.

I complete;y understand what you mean about not beong able to bear the thought of having either a serious illness or a relapse in HA. It is so tiring this constant worrying and affects so much of your life.

Anyway no real advice here but i just wanted to let you know your not alone.

06-09-10, 20:12
Thanks Mary. Sorry you suffer too..it is a horrible way to live, I hate it x