View Full Version : worried again

06-09-10, 19:49
chest aches and pains again,been to docs several times had ecg 6 months ago.cant stop thinking its something awful.

06-09-10, 21:24
any reassurance anyone?

Fly away Katie
06-09-10, 21:28
Hello sweetie. I had this aswel a few months ago. It turned out I had over breathed that much that I had given myself 'chostocondritis' which is easily got rid of by painkillers and auntie-inflammatorys.
But Ive had a sore chest due to anxiety aswell. It WILL GO AWAY.
You need to ride it out, and it will subside ;) x x x x x

06-09-10, 21:31
Chest pains are common with anxiety. i've had all different types of pains, from sharp ones to dull ones, and every time I've thought it was due to my heart but it was anxiety all along. What kind of pain do you get? Does it stay for hours or come and go? Did you have the ECG because you were complaining about chest pain or some other reason?

06-09-10, 21:35
Hi there
I just wanted to say that I went throught this a few months ago went to a and e I had ECGs etc... Went through a terrible time! I was panicing my heart was beating so fast it hurt my chest it's the anxierty that was causing my chest ache, I know it's hard but you have to just stop and think to yourself 'the doctors have checked me over and if anything was wrong it would show up on the ECG' spend a few days if you can just going out, keep yourself as busy as you can and soon your thoughts about this will disapear, you have to deal with the anxiety first, I know it's hard but U can get through this! Take time out for yourself do things that make you happy and DO NOT GOOGLE!

06-09-10, 21:56
thanks guys,its a kind of sore stabbing feeling slight numbness worse when i move in a certain way.its been going on 6 months or so,but just cant shake it,even when im out say walking my thoughts always go back to what if im damaging my heart,what if i collapse in the middle of nowhere,i think it has become more of an obssesive thought which is with me nearly 24.7.