View Full Version : Chest pain that woke me up lastnight...

06-09-10, 20:47
I woke up to a horrible strong ache under left breast that was like a 'wave' of pain (only way i can describe it) as it was like like a wave oif pain that peaks then goes then comes back then goes.. 2 second gaps between each pain.. it was awful. i keep thinking it must be sumthin wrong if it woke me up!! it only lasted about 2 minutes then disappeared. I keep thinking that the reason why it was in waves was that it was in time with my heart beat and my heart beating was causing the pain, does that make sense? so surely its gotta be my heart? cant wait to see cardiologist soon, even tho ive had loads of ecg's all normal im still not convinced, i want an echo as i know this is the only way they can truly tell if theres sumthin wrong with ur heart. hopefully theyl give me one.. my palps are getting more n more often too :( grrr i cant tke ity nemore!!!!! im worried sick!!!!! :(

06-09-10, 20:47
it was under left breast and slightly off to the centre