View Full Version : It's not easy is it?

06-09-10, 20:54
Hi All

I have managed to grab a week off work for the sertralline to start working but no luck yet - in fact I feel worse :weep: Had a dreadful day trying to pretend I am fine whilst my heart races or stops and I feel so jittery and unable to concentrate; maybe it's all because it was my first day back at work. Dreading tomorrow - I know that's not the attitude to have as it will make the day bad!! But it is not easy is it?

Dreading going to sleep as I wake at about 03:00 and can't get back to sleep.

I wish you all a good recovery - folks just dont realise how debilitating anxiety is until they have it......

Stay chilled


06-09-10, 20:55
Hi CallieCalm

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-09-10, 21:00
hiiiiiiiiiiiii callie....you say how you feel callie xxxx it does take time for meds to kick...this i am learning and trying to accept.

its awful waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to switch off again.....hopefully this will pass in time.

please let me know how you get on tomorrow xxxxx a friend of mine on here has a wonderful quote.....and it says "small steps"....just take your time xxx and try not to put too much pressure on yourself xxxxx

lots of love tracey

06-09-10, 21:04
Hi Tracey
Wow! you brought tears to my eyes!! (nice tears!)- it is amazing what a few thoughtful words from someone who understands can do. Small steps will be my mantra tomorrow.
Fingers crossed for a better day



06-09-10, 21:07
callie...and please dont forget to let me know how you get on....ok xxxxx

i cannot as i say, own up to the quote...but i am pleased that she passed it on to me and now i have passed it on xxxx thats wot its all about....sharing and learning how to cope and move forward xxxx

you will be in my thoughts xxxx:hugs:

Fly away Katie
06-09-10, 21:25
Awwww you poor thing :(
Welcome to NMP, I hope you find support and friends here x x x x x

06-09-10, 22:09
Hi Callie :hugs:
I started on Setraline a few weeks ago. Felt so wierd after a few days side effects were not nice, couldn't sleep at night, I felt worse than ever. I decided rather than stop taking them I would halve the dose. I felt so much better and now a few weeks on I am am taking 3/4 of the dose. Hopefully I can increase it to the full dose soon.
Maybe you could try that Callie.
Hope you feel better soon babe.
Take care of you ok x

Deb xx