View Full Version : Confused

06-09-10, 21:52
I put a post up a while ago - regarding the same thing. But a couple of things have changed since.

Basically im 21 years of age - Lately I have been experiencing unusual bowel movement such as Diarrhea, which has been constant for about 3 weeks. I only ever go once or twice a day. But the last three days I havent been able to go at all. I have a moment where im out and feel the need to go, and then when I get to the toilet the urge suddenly disappears.
I also experience blood coming from the rectal area 2 weeks ago, whilst on my menstraul cycle. But that has now gone......
And now I have a watery discharge that sometimes comes from this area when trying to strain.
I sometimes have stabbing pains in the lower area of my stomach too.

Im really worried this could be a sign of bowel cancer.

Please somebody give me some advice.


06-09-10, 23:33
Theres little chance it would be bowel cancer at your age hun! So dont worry about that! Could just be an infection! Visit ur gp and get urself checked out, but dont worry, you are only 21, its not guna be serious at your age. tke cre x

06-09-10, 23:34
It could be IBS as well

Ask the GP for some advice and they will refer you for more tests if they think they need to.

07-09-10, 00:01
Thanks for the messages.. Glad someone can listen and give me some advice.

07-09-10, 00:51
i went to the doctors today with virtually the exact same symptoms as you except for bleeding, i found blood on my stool once and that caused me to panic severely. the doc felt my tummy and i explained i had been under stress and anxiety recently as i always worry about my health and he said it's IBS and then prescribed me with an IBS pill to unclog my bowels and get rid of cramps and basically just said get regular exercise, 2 litres of water and 5 fruit and veg a day and it should be back to normal :)