View Full Version : weird sensation in back..

Cell block H fan
06-09-10, 22:20
What could this be? Feels like someone is poking me in the back one minute, itchy the next, & then a stingy sensation. Just to the side of my shoulder blade heading towards the middle of my back on the right side?
Few weeks ago I kept getting woken in the night by an intense sting in that area, that came & went in waves, was bizarre! That lasted a couple of days. I put it down to repetitive strain or something in a muscle as I had been doing something that day for most of the day that was a repetative movement? And i'm right handed.
Anyway, what do you think? Ever had anything like it?

07-09-10, 07:17
Sounds like muscular stuff, it'll probably go away on it's own.

07-09-10, 17:10
What could this be? Feels like someone is poking me in the back one minute, itchy the next, & then a stingy sensation. Just to the side of my shoulder blade heading towards the middle of my back on the right side?
Few weeks ago I kept getting woken in the night by an intense sting in that area, that came & went in waves, was bizarre! That lasted a couple of days. I put it down to repetitive strain or something in a muscle as I had been doing something that day for most of the day that was a repetative movement? And i'm right handed.
Anyway, what do you think? Ever had anything like it?

Hi Cellblock

I have been getting this too. I think that it is a nerve issue from anxiety. Mine feels a bit jaggy and a little bit like an electric feeling?? I can get it more if i bend my head forward. I did read that dehaydration can make it worse.

Sound like a similar thing. Im ignoring mine......mostly becuae i have HA lol!!


07-09-10, 17:37
I suffer with recurring back problems .The same happens to me quite often .Its caused by repetitional movements and can also be caused by bad posture ..Heat is a good aid to help the discomfort .Tho it will clear up in time .Being anxious makes your muscles tense and wont help ..Sue

Fly away Katie
07-09-10, 18:10
My body randomly gets pins and needles.. and itchy :/ tis most odd. I have it on my belly atm x x x

08-09-10, 19:22
ive been getting this recently!!! xx