View Full Version : my visit to the doctors

06-09-10, 23:17
I went to the doctors today as I have been having a pain in my lower abdomen.

I was feeling really anxious as I hate going to the doctors and as soon as I walked in there it was made even worse as there was a woman sitting at the back of the waiting room and I overheard her on the phone telling her husband that she had gone in to see the doc about chest pain and he had said she was probably having a mild heart attack and she was waiting for the ambulance :ohmy: Heart attacks are one of my major fears so this completely freaked me out :weep:

When i got in to see the doc (this was my first visit since moving here) he examined me and said that the pain was most probably because of my constant upset stomachs he said that Im in a vicious cycle of getting anxious which causes a bad stomach which hurts me which makes me more anxious and on and on.

He said the pain would go in time and i said what can I do to stop the upset stomachs and he said that it was a touch of irritable bowel made worse by my anxiety I said what can I do about the anxiety and he said well counselling is probably your best bet which took me back a bit as my old doctor had never even suggested this :ohmy:

I said to the doctor how do I get that and he said go to reception and they will make you an appointment with the CPN now :huh:

I have never have any kind of dealings with a CPN and am unsure about what exactly they do but I have my first appointment for October 8th Im really nervous but Im hoping that this will turn out to be a positive step :unsure:

07-09-10, 01:43

He sounds like a decent doctor to have visited. From what you've mentioned it does sound to me a lot like slight IBS and stomach upset caused by anxiety. I get really bad lower abdomen pains with my anxiety sometimes.

He's suggested councelling to help reduce your anxiety which will then reduce your pain. Most doctors would just say 'It's anxiety, stop worrying'. He's obviously thinking of your best interests :)

I've been in counselling for the last 6 months since I started with severe anxiety and panic attacks. It's helped me so much, I'm a completely different person to what I was in February! I haven't had a panic attack for months :) It's definitely a posiitive step. I hope it works for you!