View Full Version : What is the deal??????

06-09-10, 23:41
Ok for the last 4 days i have been feeling really weak, shaky, and tired, just real irritable. Also have been losing my appetite as eating seems more of a chore now for me than a pleasure. I am constantly not feeling well inside, just that real uneasy feeling inside.

Today i knew i needing to go shopping for grocieries and today it was a real struggle for me to leave this has never happened to me before and i sat there on the couch trying to talk myself and just getting up and doing it. Well eventually i did and i was still feeling uneasy in the store but as my shopping time went on it started to subside even standing in checkout line i was ok but could still feel it.

There is only one thing that works it seems everytime to get this uneasy feeling to go away and that is when i start to lift weights and exercise at home or in the gym. Sometimes i feel so bad on days like i could pass out at anytime that i dont even attempt too lift, but today i was like, screw it i feel really bad right now but i am gonna exercise. The whole hour i felt good working up a sweat and getting my heart a pumping fast. The feeling always leaves me during this time. As i am focused on working my muscles and the burn. I have always had a fit body and enjoy working out. Now i will still get the weak feeling after i workout maybe an hour or so later and i am sure i will have it all day tomorrow at work as well.

Is this really constant anxiety running through me? Is it released or something when i am only exercising? What is really the deal with me, i cant just exercise 24/7 and i miss having an appetite.

Anyone else get this?

07-09-10, 03:13
Still feeling bad as of now, except for now i have funny feeling in my chest and its messing with my heart and making me continously monitor it. Feels like i have like something tiny in my chest that makes me wanna cough sometimes or a small cold tickle. Making my feet continously be damp and sweaty and sometimes my palms kick in too.

I already called base and got approval to go to the ER if need be, but i am trying my damnist to refrain from going cuz dont want to make it worse, but then again i keep wanting to go too. I just dont know wth to think or do anymore, i am so tired of all of this. Its ruining me no matter what i read or techniques i try i am always feeling like crap. :weep::weep::weep:

07-09-10, 09:14
What you are experiencing are classic symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety tends to make us very introspective, focusing on ourselves. Our thougts turn inwards and we end up checking in on ourselves constantly asking ourselves what is wrong, how do we feel.
The exercise stops this for two or three reasons. Firstly it distracts you so that you stop thinking about yourself and start to focus on exercising properly. Exercise also releases feel good hormones which will lift your mood for a while, once these wear off your mood can drop again. Exercise also helps to burn off adrenaline which is caused by anxiety.
If you haen't done so it may be worth getting yourself checked out physically by a doctor just to put your mind at rest. If you are like I was, it will take several visits to the doctor to convince yourself that you are okay. That is perfectly normal for anxiety sufferers.
Exercise is good for you and will definitely help with anxiety and self confidence but you also need to learn to relax and ideally pick up some coping techniques. I have written an article on how to relax on my website as well as tips on dealing with anxiety. also have a look at the coping articles on this site.

Hope this helps

